
David Allie’s Invention Is Revolutionizing Construction Safety Training for Workers Around the World

According to the United States Department of Labor:

• There are an estimated 4,500 scaffold related work accidents each year, with an estimated 60 fatalities.

• In 2013 there were 796 deaths in the construction field.

• The majority of those deaths were caused by “the fatal four.” They are falls, struck by an object, electrocution, and caught-in/between.

They state on their site that all of these accidents can be controlled by compliance with OSHA standards. A statement that is not all that comforting, especially if you are a family member of the 796.

Yet, there seems to be a gap between understanding and implementing the standards that are in place to protect our workforce. That gap is exactly what Mr. Allie is working to bridge. When I asked David what his initial vision and motivation for his inventions were, he replied with a simple and logical response…

“You wouldn’t teach a firefighter how to fight a fire, without fire. You wouldn’t teach a police officer how to shoot a gun, without a gun.” ~ David Allie

What began as a vision to simply make a difference in the way safety training was delivered to workers, has transformed into a project that has reached as far East as Qatar, South to Antarctica, West to Guam, and North to North Pole, Alaska. David’s training has also attracted the attention of some big names here in the US with well-known companies like Disneyland Resort, Proctor & Gamble, ConAgra, and even the United States Military being added to his customer list.

His Inventions are Raising the Standards on Construction Safety Training

So what exactly is David Allie doing to change the safety training industry? In essence, he is taking what you see in boring instructional videos, training manuals, and classrooms, and through his inventions, is bringing it to life.

“Typical safety training is boring. I witnessed what a difference it made when engaging trainers got the class involved.”

David was contracted to provide scaffolding training for a private company. Since most training facilities can’t accommodate actual scaffolding, and the workers need the training prior to entering a job site, David decided to create a model size scaffold kit to be able to teach the workers in a hands on, engaging way.

It worked.

Instead of attending a boring training session, and then trying to translate that knowledge to a job site, the workers were able to interact, engage, and work with a miniature, yet fully functional scaffolding model. Based on his customer reviews, not only do the teachers prefer this method of teaching, but his students confirmed for him, that this is exactly what they needed.

Hands on and engaging construction safety training is essential for connecting abstract concepts to real world application.

Although he initially built the training kit for his own personal training use, he soon began receiving requests for the kits. Word of mouth took over from there, and this was the beginning of a whole new training model, or training models to be exact.

“I would like to take the time to thank you for the training scaffold I purchased from your company. The representative I talked with on the phone was very knowledgeable about the product and also very friendly. I received the purchase in a timely manner and everything is in great shape. I would highly recommend your company to my workmates. Actually, they have seen my training scaffold and are thinking of getting one of their own for their shops also.” ~ Dan Ruane, Cement Mason Instructor, Harpers Ferry Job Corps

Today, David has training kits for various construction safety training including scaffolding training, excavation training, electrical, rigging, electrical crane kit, and more. He even develops custom kits upon request. While David is the brain behind the models and training style, he contracts the manufacturing to local businesses. He feels it is important to provide jobs in our local area, and he says it doesn’t hurt to have quality control close by.

So what does this mean to the safety training industry? While we can’t predict the future, we can all rest a little easier knowing that there is someone out there working hard to make life on a job site a little safer for all.

“David is tops when it comes to safety training. He has both worked in the trades to earn his stripes, managed safety programs on large construction sites (including iron working/steel erection outfits), and has the educational underpinning to bring it all together. It was a real loss when David tired of the 7 hour weekend commute from Chicago to Marquette, MI, and returned home to start 4 Safety. He is one of the very few safety professionals for whom I would give an unequivocal recommendation attesting to his training and consulting abilities.” ~Tom Broderick, Former Executive Director – Construction Safety Council

“My name is Scott Hamilton. I work for the Michigan Laborers Training and Apprentice Institute, I find the safety kits very helpful. I use the scaffold kits in every scaffold class I do. Our instructors also use the scaffold, electrical crane kit and the excavation kit in our Osha 30, mason tending, pipeline, pipe laying, and hoisting and rigging classes as well as many more special classes. These kits help our students visualize the topics we are trying to bring across in the class room before we take them out side for the hands-on potion of our classes, these kits are priceless when it comes to this application.” ~ Scott Hamilton, Michigan Laborers Training and Apprentice Institute

To see the training kits first hand, they will be on display at The Safety Store Open House:

Marquette, MI, November 8th, 2014– The Safety Store of Marquette is hosting an Open House from 10am – 4pm at their new location at 1467 W. Washington St. Stop by from 12pm-2pm and enjoy FREE pizza and refreshments, and register to win a FREE Blaklader winter jacket and work pants. There will be over $400 in prize giveaways.

You can also view the training kits and connect with the inventor David Allie at

If you would like more information, please contact Jodi Ouellette of Bennett Media Group at 906-361-7049 or email at

About The Safety Store

4-Safety, LLC founded January 1, 2000 by David G. Allie, 4-Safety, LLC is dedicated to making training interactive and hands-on. David followed that by opening The Safety Store on July 6, 2005 with the same interactive, hands-on concept used in training, but adapted to the selling of safety equipment while educating the customer.

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Name: Jodi Ouellette
Phone: 906-361-7049