Culture-Strategy Fit® offers solutions to companies dealing with mergers and acquisitions. They help optimize ROI through effective culture integration. Using a variety of approaches, Culture-Strategy Fit helps organizations capitalize on culture strengths and implement strategies to mitigate the potential damage of cultural differences.
One of Culture-Strategy Fit’s® most powerful tools is its M&A Culture Survey that identifies potential sources of synergy and tension in merging companies. A culture expert analyzes the survey results and offers actionable insights to inform the development of effective culture integration plans. Working behind-the-scenes or in partnership with HR/OD and Integration Teams, their culture experts provide guidance and support to develop and implement plans that protect the value of the acquisition, navigate the people side of change and integrate the cultures of both organizations in a way that maximizes value.
“Our M&A Culture Survey provides a powerful look at culture differences focusing on 23 specific attributes with the greatest potential for culture clash. The survey was recently used by companies involved in a multi-billion dollar global acquisition. It provided valuable insights into both similarities and significant differences. These insights are informing the focus and approach to integration,” says Dr. Nancie Evans, Co-Founder of Culture-Strategy Fit.
“Of course, identifying potential culture clash is just the beginning. The really important part is what you do with the information. How do you use these insights to make sure changes to people, structure, process and so on do not damage or destroy the value of the acquisition. Furthermore, how do you change the culture of the acquirer to capitalize on unique attributes in the acquired firm?”
Changes in culture can make or break a merger or acquisition. This is where Culture-Strategy Fit® can help. Its approach is informed by over 30 years of experience helping companies design and implement an effective culture integration plan as a key component of other integration activities.
Don’t let cultural differences hinder the success of your acquisition, visit Culture-Strategy Fit® today and learn how far effective culture integration can take your business.
About Culture-Strategy Fit®
Culture-Strategy Fit® provides Leaders and HR/OD professionals with proven, practical and effective products and services to help them do great culture work in organizations. With over 30 years of experience partnering with organizations from small start-ups and teams to global multi-nationals, they back-up their products with expert guidance and support. This includes turning good cultures into great ones, shifting culture to keep pace with external change and expectations and managing cultural differences to maximize the ROI of mergers and acquisitions. Culture-Strategy Fit’s® dedicated team of culture experts are passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise, providing value and making a difference, while helping people create high performing cultures and great places to work.This includes understanding cultural differences in mergers and acquisitions.