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CTA Construction Celebrates Burlington’s New Department of Public Works Facility

Industry: Real Estate

CTA Construction recently completed the second building that was part of the 2-phase $24 million Burlington Department of Public Works and Parks & Recreation Facility project.

Burlington, MA (PRUnderground) November 30th, 2022

Construction of the second building that was part of the 2-phase $24 million Burlington Department of Public Works and Parks & Recreation Facility project was recently completed by CTA Construction Managers.  CTA as well as members of the building committee, community, DPW staff, and the rest of the project team were on-hand for the recent ribbon cutting ceremony.

Phase 1, which houses the DPW Vehicle Maintenance and Parks & Recreation Maintenance Department was completed last year by CTA Construction.  In Phase 2, the second building was constructed for the Department of Public Works, which includes the town’s highway and water & sewer divisions. The new buildings, designed by Weston & Sampson, replaced the original DPW building which was demolished. The new buildings house a truck bay wash as well as inside vehicle storage for the town’s DPW vehicles, neither of which the town had previously.

“We worked with the town to design new state-of-the art facilities that incorporate Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) principals, compliant storm and water management systems, secure hazardous material and liquid petroleum product storage rooms, indoor vehicle storage, and a vehicle wash bay that treats and discharges wash water to the sanitary sewer system. The project also removed pre-existing pavement areas along the resource areas, which allowed previously disturbed areas to be returned to a natural vegetated state,” said Jeff Alberti, COO of Weston & Sampson.

“Additional features of the building include inside vehicle storage and energy efficient infrared radiant tube heaters which will save the town money and time by reducing overall energy costs and repairs needed to keep town vehicles operating,” said Lyle Coghlin, Principal at CTA Construction Managers.

“The entire project team has worked very well together on both phases,” said Tim Dorman, Owner’s Project Manager at NV5. “It is exciting to see Phase 2 completed ahead of another New England winter here in Massachusetts.”

“The DPW is pleased that phase 2 is complete and our staff is settling in.” said John Sanchez, Burlington’s DPW Director. “The substantially improved facilities are a great relief to our staff.  We have offices now, where before we had to use whatever available space could be found in vacant buildings.  Now we have a room to hold training classes in as well as morning muster.  We also now have shower facilities for our staff to clean-up after handling messy repairs such as sewer repairs, as well as overnight facilities for use during storm emergencies.”

This will be CTA Construction’s third municipal project for the town of Burlington. They previously built the new Memorial Elementary School and completed the addition and renovation of the Marshall Simonds Middle School. Photo courtesy of Greg M. Cooper.

About CTA Construction Managers LLC

CTA Construction Managers is an award-winning construction management and general contracting firm specializing in municipal, academic, multi-family residential, commercial, and senior care facilities. Based in Waltham, Massachusetts, CTA Construction’s portfolio of projects total over $1.7 billion. Founded in 2000, CTA has awarded over $100,000,000 in contracts to certified small, disadvantaged, minority, and women owned partners. CTA is a leader in green building, helping numerous clients build sustainably and meet LEED and MA-CHPS standards. For more information, please visit: https://ctaconstruction.com/

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