
Crowdfunding Convention and Bootcamp Can Help Entrepreneurial Veterans Prepare to Fund Their Futures

Tackling the unemployment rate among veterans has proven to be an ongoing challenge, with many veterans coming home to a persistent high unemployment rate, low wage scales and a mountain of debt. Too many are not welcomed by banks for small business loans because of their lack of credit or assets and at the beginning, no cash flow. However, certain franchises are inexpensive to get into, which veteran Larry Colley found out when he acquire an air conditioning service business after he raised just $4000 using  crowdfunding  and soon after hired six people. This is surely one of the best ROI for job creation on record.

Event organizer Ruth Hedges says, “Crowdfunding provides a convenient way for Americans to give back and to do their part to help veterans create jobs and raise capital to start their own businesses. Crowdfunding could potentially be the solution that veterans across the United States have been waiting for. Combining the power of rewards-based/equity crowdfunding and franchise ownership can open the door to a whole new world of opportunities for veterans and society as a whole.”

“Veterans, perhaps even more than others, have the discipline, heart and drive to be successful business owners, and crowdfunding can help raise funds at a time when financing is hard to come by,” continues Hedges. “For determined and informed veterans seeking to start a small business in a local setting with the help of friends, neighbors, veterans groups and a country of appreciative Americans, a well conceived dream could soon become into a reality, with a built-in customer base.”

If you want to learn how this can help your future or business, join us at the 3rd Annual Global Crowdfunding Convention and Bootcamp #GCCB2014 where we are committed to helping teach veterans and all entrepreneurs how to use crowdfunding successfully.

Here are just a few reasons to attend:

1. Fully informed and prepared people present projects that are more likely to succeed.

2. The 3rd Annual Global Crowdfunding Conference is designed to help startups, entrepreneurs, small business owners and professionals who want to learn effective ways to tap into live funding opportunities worth millions of dollars.

3. Direct access to the most admired, knowledgeable and successful crowdfunding leaders. These experts will demonstrate best practices to launch successful campaigns and will make themselves available to answer questions specific to your launch. Come and meet Sean McIntosh from Vetlaunch, Kevin Blanchard from VetFran a International Franchise Association program and Zack Cockfield CFP from Military Business Advisors who will participate on a special panel just for Veterans on Crowdfunding .

4. Badly executing a crowdfunding campaign costs valuable time, resources and possibly even millions of dollars. Learn the formulas that have successfully raised hundred of thousands to millions of dollars in every category of crowdfunding;  like the Coolest who went from wanting to raise $50,000 and has now exceeded $8,200,000 with still 20 days left, or Sense which raised there entire original amount $100,000 in their first six hours of going live and have so far raised $1,780,000 with still 11 days left to go.

Participants will leave with the information needed to launch a successful campaign at #GCCB2014 -so take the first step and commit to come and don’t miss out. Drastically increase your odds of success by joining us in Las Vegas for three unforgettable days -October 23-25- of learning from the industry experts and  networking with investors, entrepreneurs and other like minded individuals.

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Name: Ruth E Hedges
Phone: 213 276 6266