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Crime Scene Cleanup Specialists Bring Job Opportunity for Crime Scene Technicians to the Bay Area

Industry: Business

Advanced Bio Treatment specializes in the complete remediation of all crime or accident scenes involving biohazardous material.

San Francisco, CA (PRUnderground) August 15th, 2014

August 1, 2014 In a quiet community just outside of San Jose, California, a 52 year old widow talks about the day she found her husband, dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head in the couple’s 1,700 square foot home.

“I never want to see that much blood again,’ the widow, married for 33 years told us.”

On a warm, summer day, the widow had returned home from a shopping trip with friends to find her 57 year old husband had committed suicide with a handgun in their master bathroom. Stunned, traumatized and overwhelmed by the knowledge that she would be responsible for cleaning away the grisly evidence that was left behind in the aftermath of the fatal event, she felt alone and confused.

“I was completely caught off guard. I couldn’t process my husband’s death, let alone try to figure out how I was going to cleanup all that… blood,’ the older woman recalled.”

That was when a police detective at the scene stepped in and gave the grieving woman a card with Advanced Bio Treatment’s contact information on it.

‘They saved the day. Without ABT I don’t know what I would’ve done. When I needed a place to turn to put back the pieces of my life, even knowing that things would never be the same again, the kind professionals at Advanced Bio Treatment were there for me every step of the way. They walked me through the processes they use, and made it all so easy on me. I couldn’t have done it by myself’ she says.

Advanced Bio Treatment specializes in the complete remediation of all crime or accident scenes involving biohazardous material. Covering every form of murder and mayhem, from the decomposing remains of an unattended death, to shotgun suicides, to mass homicides, extreme hoards and more, the professionals at ABT see, and clean, it all. And that’s the way they like it.

‘We always recommend, that anyone who needs to restore a home or property after a tragedy has happened, to call experts in crime scene cleanup like those at Advanced Bio Treatment. After something traumatic has taken place, you are going through enough already dealing with loss of a loved one, and you shouldn’t put yourself through the ordeal of trying to properly cleanup in the wake of that. Also, blood and other bodily fluids can contain dangerous pathogens which can pose a significant health risk as well as requiring the proper equipment and procedures to safely handle or dispose of,’ instructs Jerry Turner, the owner of Advanced Bio Treatment and an expert in the field of bioremediation who is bringing the company to the Bay area, including San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and the surrounding areas.

Forget what you might’ve seen on CSI or other romanticized Hollywood interpretations, this is real life.

‘Not just anyone can do this work, ‘ Turner explains, ‘ for obvious reasons. Your dealing with hazardous material, sure, which has its own perils, and wearing hot protective gear for hours on end, but the hardest part of the job can be dealing with the emotions, and the victim’s family’s emotion, surrounding some of our cases.’

Aside from the emotional toll, and cleaning or disposing of biomedical waste which may look and smell very bad, anyone thinking of applying for a job as a crime scene technician at the San Fran Office should also be aware that this is not a 9-5 job. The hours are unpredictable and the pay is per job, so work may be slow one day and the next extremely busy.

‘Employees should be prepared to be called to a job anytime, day or night. Retirees, stay-at-home parents with a on-hand caregiver, and online college students all make great crime scene cleanup technicians.’ says Turner.

Contrary to popular belief, most required training programs occurs on the job or in a specialized environment unique to the company. Those looking for employment in crime scene cleanup, can expect to learn techniques that cover: the cleaning of different body fluids, removing the smell of death and decomposition from a space, the proper handling of hazardous chemicals, insect removal, fire remediation as well as how to operate the various deep cleaning equipment, among other things.

One should also expect to wear protective gear which can limit freedom of movement and can become uncomfortable in hot conditions, so those with an intolerance to such should consider applying elsewhere.

Sometimes the most important attributes that companies like Advanced Bio Treatment look for when hiring field technicians aren’t related to having a strong stomach or the like at all. When applying for a job in the field of crime scene cleanup, there are other qualities that stand out…

‘Compassion for the victim and their family, commitment to the job, attention to detail and discipline are some of the qualities that I look for in a technician. Those individuals with prior military, construction, law enforcement or first response experience are natural in this field because they are use to physically and mentally demanding professions.’

Perhaps one of the most important part of being a crime scene cleanup specialist is having the ability to follow directions to the letter. In fact, Turner says that if an interested candidate can not follow the instructions for the company’s online application process, that they should keep looking for other employment.

At the end of the day, crime scene cleanup technicians completely erase any evidence, both seen and unseen, of the crime or accident that took place in a property or home. Insurance companies expect the firm to clean obvious stains and damage, as well as repair or restore any secondary damage. When the property owners return, they should not be faced with any reminders of an unpleasant experience.

‘After the call to 911 and after the police have left, a company like ABT comes in to restore more than someone’s property, we also help restore their life to some degree. We provide a important, necessary function to society, performing a job that most people could never imagine. When all is said and done, we make a person’s darkest days a little brighter. It’s a very fulfilling line of work.’

Those looking to make a career move into the crime scene cleanup industry will be pleased to know that Advanced Bio Treatment is looking for a few good people to work in their new office location in the Bay area of San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose and surrounding counties. If you think you have what it takes to be a bio-remediation technician and work for one of the best companies in the field, you are encouraged to apply through the employment section of Advanced Bio Treatment’s website.

No phone calls will be accepted and those who do not follow the instructions on the employment page will not be considered.

So if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to work in crime scene cleanup or how to apply, here’s your chance Bay area! Good luck! 

About Advanced Bio Treatment

No matter the time of day or the day of the week, Advanced Bio Treatment’s biohazard teams administer the most professional and efficient crime and trauma scene cleanup services across the United States.Call Advanced Bio Treatment 800-860-4268 for a free consultation and to begin the recovery process.

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