Coxwell and Associates Offers Free Tool to Help Prevent DUI Arrests Into the New Year
Industry: Legal Services
Calculate Your Approximate Blood Alcohol Concentration Before You Get Behind the Wheel.
Jackson, MS (PRUnderground) January 9th, 2016
Heavy holiday traffic in Mississippi will continue well into the New Year. Coincidentally, the number of drivers who are arrested for driving while intoxicated is also at its highest this time of year.
In 2014, Mississippi became the 22nd state to enact an all-offender ignition interlock law, just shortly after Alabama became the 21st. Under this law, even first-time offenders are required to install a vehicle breathalyzer for a given period of time. Being convicted of driving under the influence can have a significant impact on one’s life, with additional consequences including monetary penalties, suspension of driving privileges, and even jail time.
If drivers feel impaired in any way, they should not get behind the wheel of a vehicle. However, in some cases, impaired drivers simply do not notice the effects of drugs or alcohol until they are already on the road.
The attorneys of Coxwell & Associates, PLLC understand that when you are out with friends and family, it is easy to become distracted and to drink more than you realize. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 and above in all states. Members of the public should understand what BAC is and how to calculate their own. To that end, the law firm has created a guide to blood alcohol concentration and a helpful tool for calculating BAC on the go. This printable BAC calculator is meant to provide a rough estimate, so that drivers can inform themselves and use their best judgement. It is always best practice to avoid driving if you’ve had even one drink.
Download the guide and calculator.
The DUI attorneys at Coxwell & Associates invite all parties who have been charged with a DUI in Mississippi, whether due to alcohol or other substance, to contact them at the information provided here.
All online and print communications made by Coxwell and Associates are intended solely for informational purposes. This is not a substitute for legal advice. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately.
About Coxwell & Associates, PLLC
The attorneys at Coxwell & Associates treat the practice of law as their career, not a job. Each attorney is totally dedicated to helping our clients receive the best possible legal representation. We are not a general practice law firm. Instead, we are attorneys who focus our energy, intelligence, and interests in limited areas of the law in order to be better equipped to help our clients.