
Corporate Speech Coach, Jose Ucar, Releases Top Tips to Receive a Standing Ovation

Corporate speech coach, Jose Ucar founder of Jose Ucar Coaching, today announces the release of his top tips to receive a standing ovation. “Public speaking is a skill that everyone should have and develop.  It’s a skill that can open many doors, and it gives you more confidence in your abilities,” says Ucar.

However, it can be frightening to stand and speak in front of a large group of people.  As a speech coach, Jose has helped corporate executives, and SMB owners from a variety of industries find their voices.

Below are some of the strategies he uses with clients, that if done right, can help you get a standing ovation when public speaking.

  1. Unwavering passion for your topic: Listen to great speeches that stand the test of time. Listen to ‘I have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr.  What do you feel when you hear him speak?  Think, how passionate are you about your topic?  Consider, that people will remember how you made them feel, rather than what you had to say!

  2. It’s never about you, it’s about the audience: The moment you understand you are in front of any audience to serve them, elevate them, to help them leave the room better than when they entered, at that moment you will begin to connect with a purpose that is much greater than you.

  3. Character and skills built through continued failure: Think about it this way, you can always do better, your message can be more concise, it can be clearer, your cadence more in tune with your points, the timing, and length of your pauses, the moral of your stories… the list goes on and on.  Practicing in front of a real audience will make you outstanding.  Returning to Martin Luther King Jr., he delivered hundreds of speeches before his masterpiece. If he was alive today, I’m sure he would say that the delivery of some of his speeches could have been better.

  4. Look for help and feedback: This is key and you may not want to hear it.  But, apart from reading books, watching videos, and practicing your craft, it’s important that you reach out to people who are in a position to help you improve. I always go to those who are on a similar path to mine and who have achieved the level of success I’m after.  You don’t know what you don’t know, that’s why it’s important to surround yourself with people willing to provide candid feedback and support you.  Be open and ready to implement what they share with you.

  5. Speaking is an infinite game: What got you here, will not get you to where you want to go.  People change, topics evolve, the world keeps spinning and so does speaking. While the fundamentals may remain the same, as speakers, we must remain active, flexible, and fully committed to the process of elevating our audiences. Just like good doctors are always up to date with the latest procedures and technologies to help their patients, so should you as a speaker.

Follow the above, commit yourself to greatness and be consistent. This is an excellent recipe to achieve whatever success you want, whether standing ovations, a job promotion, business growth, access to worldwide stages, and much more.

Remember to always speak your greatness, the world needs it!

About Jose Ucar Coaching

Jose is a global keynote, TEDx speaker and Host, NLP master trainer, international business, marketing specialist, and founder of Jose Ucar Coaching. Jose has spent the last ten years assisting businesses all over the world in affecting transformational change using advanced presentation and communication skills. He has worked with many top companies including; SEAT and CUPRA (Volkswagen Group), Procter & Gamble, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Jose is available to coach and support employees, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and executive teams to deliver impactful presentations.

A public speaking coach is valuable for executives and business owners who find themselves in the crosshairs of common public speaking issues, such as nervousness and a lack of confidence. A public speaking coach can be especially invaluable when facing a high-stakes presentation that could make or break a business. To schedule a consultation with Jose visit

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Phone: +44 (0) 7383 436826