ContentVia, over its first year in business, has experienced a period of immense growth, with a near 200% increase each year and a steady breakout onto the startup scene. External growth, however, necessitates internal growth as well, and it is with great pleasure that ContentVia announces its merger with Content Studios, as well as the hiring of former longtime consultant Emily Breder as Chief Operations Officer.
Emily Breder brings with her years of entrepreneurial experience, specifically in the domain of startups. She plans to implement the novel Agile marketing strategy to ContentVia’s office, using such platforms as Atlassian, Jira, and Worklife, in order to prepare the Columbus startup for its 3-year growth plan. Agile marketing forms its strategy based around “sprints” and “scrums”, much like a rugby match, improving communication and speed among employees as well as speeding up deliverables to the clients.
Ryan McManus, President of ContentVia, is ecstatic to have Emily as a member of the team. Ryan states, “I’ve been with ContentVia since its inception and I’m very excited for the immense growth we’ve had, but with that responsibility comes the need for innovation in management and strategy. I’ve worked with Emily for a long time and her presence and skills will help us immensely. We’ve tried and tested many organizational strategies in the past, but Agile strategy may be just the one we’re looking for, and Emily is just the one to implement it.”
Emily herself is very excited to merge with ContentVia. Emily states, “I’ve watched ContentVia explode onto the scene since the days when it only had two employees. Its employee-base has grown almost 600% since then and I’m excited to explore the Agile system with ContentVia. I truly believe we’ll find an edge over similar companies with this strategy and that we’ll be able to take on more clients as a result.”
The merger took place mid-June of this year and, even given Emily’s work as a consultant for the team in the past, ContentVia has already seen improved efficiency with the implementation of the Agile strategy. ContentVia hopes this strategy, and Emily herself, will be here to stay.
For further questions or inquiries check out or send an email to Ryan Mcmanus at or Emily Breder at
About ContentVia
ContentVia is a marketing agency that works with entrepreneurs, startups, and regular companies to launch new products and services. We love hardware and technology. ContentVia is based at the Columbus Idea Foundry in Columbus, Ohio. The digital creative team at ContentVia blends strategy and inspiration to create dynamic marketing programs. We provide a complete marketing team for less than a cost of an FTE to give your startup the skills and experience you need to make your startup succeed.
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