ConnectedSign, LLC Teams with All Med Physicians

Industry: Art & Design

Digital Signage is changing the experience of a doctor’s visit. ConnectedSign teams with All Med Physicians to complete a unique signage project which creates a more interactive doctor's visit.

United States (PRUnderground) December 21st, 2011

In August of 2011 ConnectedSign teamed with All Med Physicians to launch a unique Digital Signage project that gives an edge to a typical doctor’s appointment. All Med created a use of signage that provides informative and functional content in each of its five locations. David Colmans, the manager of the signage deployment at All Med, described the screens as a “double usage tool”.

The monitors in each exam room run a stream of content such as; Doctor biographies, news within the community, and health specific information while the patient waits for the arrival of their physician. In addition to screens in the exam rooms, All Med has screens running in the lobbies which they are programming to provide a list of patients in the order they will be seen.

ConnectedSign provided the tools to create All Med’s vision for their project. With ten screens, and 50 more to add, this was no easy feat. Loren Bucklin, the President of ConnectedSign, headed the project along with the creative team. Together they worked with Colmans to push through early issues with ease. The content on each screen became much easier to update and re-word. This project is expanding with an expected completion date late in 2012 as All Med remodels their clinics.

All Med and ConnectedSign were able to implement a project that is fresh, attractive, and technologically up-to-date. Just as medical procedures are constantly improving and changing, All Med took the opportunity to innovate its facilities with Digital Signage.

If you’d like more information about Digital Signage, or would like to visit the Digital Signage showroom, please call ConnectedSign at 866-833-2723 or e-mail

About ConnectedSign:
ConnectedSign is a full service Digital Signage agency with more than 16 years of experience planning and deploying Digital Signage systems, interactive Digital Signage and kiosk networks. We provide Digital Signage software, hardware, content creation, content management and consulting services.  Headquartered in Lancaster, PA; with a branch office in Seattle, WA. More details can be found at

USA & Canada
Loren Bucklin
Phone: 866-833-2723
Fax: 866-833-2723

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