
Co-founder & CEO of Glance Technologies, Desmond Griffin, Looks at the Future of Pay-At-Your-Table Tech

Although pay-at-your-table technologies are becoming more common in restaurants across America, several restaurants have yet to adopt these new tools. Despite data that shows 95 percent of restauranteurs believe technology improves overall efficiency, pay-at-your-table innovations have yet to become the norm.

Because of the array of improvement opportunities presented by the traditional service experience, Glance Pay is emerging as a leader in pay-at-your-table technologies. Glance Pay is a simple, secure and smart application that allows diners to pay at their tables while earning rewards and exclusive deals each time they pay.

“The pay-at-your-table industry is a space that’s wide-open for innovation, and Glance Pay is working to disrupt the status-quo,” said Desmond Griffin, co-founder and CEO of Glance Pay. “We not only strive to promote advancements in efficiency, but we also keep our eyes open for opportunities to enhance our capabilities.”

According to the third annual Restaurant Technology Industry Report from Toast, 68 percent of customers reported technology has significantly improved their customer experience.  Not only do customers tend to favor pay-at-your-table technologies, but restaurants benefit as well. Pay-at-your-table innovations increase table turn by 15 percent, which translates into higher revenue for the restaurant and increased tips for servers.

These consumer sentiments and facts have finally begun to resonate with small businesses in America. Glance Technologies recently signed a large restaurant group in the San Francisco area and was invited to be part of the Innovation Alley which showcased cutting edge technology at the National Restaurant Association’s biggest event in Chicago.

While the benefits of adopting Glance Pay are extensive, one of the primary benefits it offers is security. Glance Pay uses the current advancements in cybersecurity to prevent customer information from being compromised, allowing customers to dine more safely and confidently. In restaurants that possess pay-at-your-table technologies, customers no longer have to surrender their credit card to their server, which provides an increased layer of personal security.

Pay-at-your-table technologies are beginning to emerge as the future of everyday transactions, and Glance Pay is leading the way. The company is defining the potential of the pay-at-your-table industry by incorporating leading digital security tools, while also enhancing the dining experience for both customers and restaurant employees alike.

“Glance Pay exists to improve the way the service industry functions by focusing on all aspects of the service experience,” said Griffin. “Our drive at Glance Technologies is rooted in creating the ideal service experience for everyone, and then transforming those visions into a tangible reality.”

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