Posts Categorized: Non Profit & Charity

Blood Transfusion is required every 2 seconds! Can ModFx Labs address the gap?

Posted filed under Non Profit & Charity.

Someone in India needs a blood transfusion every 2 seconds. Patients like Cancer patients, Sickle Cell Anemia and Thalassemia patients require blood frequently. But the blood donations are coming in bit-by-bit. ModFx Labs believes there is a need to re-think our approach, and Technology with Incentivization can dramatically change the state of affairs.

ModFx is making a Unique Connection between Technology & Blood Donations

Posted filed under Non Profit & Charity.

Improving Blood Donations in India where almost 12,000 human lives are lost daily due to lack of quality blood requires a revolutionary approach. ModFx Labs, founded by IITB, Wharton & Berkley graduates is trying to address this problem with unique approach – a program of Incentization & the use of its Consent-Driven Location Technology.