In many states across the country, teens must spend a few hours behind the wheel with a professional instructor and a larger volume of time with a parent. For example, in California, teenagers spend 6 hours with an instructor and 50 hours with a parent. While professionals have resources available, parents have long struggled to provide adequate driving education for their teens. A new service launched by The Driving Company called Teach Your Teen Driving aims to solve this problem by providing a wealth of information for parents of teenagers. Dave Storton, the instructional designer for the program, developed the Teach Your Teen Training program after being on the parent end of teaching young drivers. Harnessing his experiences in driving instruction and more than 20 years of teaching firefighters, search and rescue personnel, law enforcement, and the military on how to drive in tough situations, Storton created an easy to follow online platform that provides parents with comprehensive information to help them confidently teach their teens to drive. Storton’s rich expertise includes holding a Master’s Degree in Adult Education and recognition by the State of California as an expert in teaching emergency vehicle operations and off road driving. He is also a lead instructor for the emergency vehicle operations course at the San Jose Police Academy and the South Bay Regional Academy. His driving experience has been showcased on Mythbusters, Fox News Channel’s Fox Report, The Discovery Channel, the New York Times, and other media outlets. In 2003, Storton founded The Driving Company to address the specialized needs of off road emergency responders. The Teach Your Teen Driving program offers a comprehensive lesson plan that is easy for parents to digest and follow. The platform includes 25 training videos, learning activities, evaluation forms, tracking forms, and checklists. The program has been designed with a seamlessly simple user interface. The training platform uses written content and videos to introduce material, making it simple for anyone who can click a mouse to jump in and get started. The Teach Your Teen Driving program is also designed to be used across multiple devices, including tablets and other mobile devices. In the last decade of his 30 year tenure with the San Jose Police Department, and extensive training endeavors that include working with the U.S. embassy in Tajikistan, Storton launched The Driving Company. Since the company launched in 2003, more than 55 agencies have chosen to train with The Driving Company. The Teach Your Teen Driving program has been under development for 2 years and includes professional expertise from driving and training instructors to develop an effective online program for parents to follow as they teach their teens to drive. More information about the new program can be found at About The Driving Company / Teach Your Teen Driving The Driving Company offers California certified off road EVOC courses and is the parent company of Teach Your Teen Driving.
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