The traditional winter rug-buying season has started early, say the team at Funky Rugs, the UK’s leading online rug store. Rug sales typically pick up from mid-November onwards when the evenings draw in, and home-owners’ thoughts turn to Christmas and entertaining. In 2010, however, the rug-buying season began in the second half of October. “This… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Home & Garden
Surge In Interest In Sisal And Sisal Rugs As An Interior Design Feature
Sales in sisal rugs have surged ahead at the online retailer The Natural Rug Store. With sisal rugs appearing in several style magazine features, sisal is clearly the interior design material of choice for 2010. “A sisal rug makes a strong but simple design statement,” says Steven Handley, Company Director at The Natural Rug Store…. Read more »
7 Underwater Foreclosure AZ Homes, Owner Goes Public Web Site, On “Walking Away”
A long time publisher, of hard copy small newspapers, and a web publisher who has, himself, been caught with 7 Arizona Rental Homes Drastically Underwater, has put together a “foreclosure” website, called He also has put together a companion site for regular homeowners, themselves, going through some of the same experiences. The investor… Read more »