Posts Categorized: Food & Drink

Pedro Langa Discusses Terras Garden Innovative Cleaning Process

Posted filed under Food & Drink.

While many people assume that prewashed salad is clean, prepackaged greens can come with unwanted contaminants. E. coli, staphylococcus, pesticides, fungicides, and even insects have been found in packaged salads. Terras Garden CEO Pedro Langa teamed up with top university professors in the agriculture industry, scientists, laboratories, and leading engineers to develop a new way… Read more »

Terras Garden Recognizes Pedro Langa’s Anniversary with the Company

Posted filed under Food & Drink.

Terras Garden founder Simon Fridmann recently recognized Pedro Langa for his two years of service with the company. “It is our honor to become a partner with you after two years showing your expertise and good reputation and experience in the food and beverage industry,” said Fridmann in a recent letter to Langa. The company… Read more »