has launched its automated platform to help guide investors in today’s uncertain stock market. has gone live. is an easy to use self directed investment tool to help investors make more informed investment decisions during uncertain market conditions utilizing its proprietary algorithms. Who Should Use Us? Technical Analysis is a great tool… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Financial Services
Banks will miss PPI compensation deadlines, says PPI Claims Company
The big banks are being accused of dragging their heels over settling complaints and making payments, even though they are required by the Financial Services Authority to employ much more rigorous complaints handling procedures. Some customers have been waiting a year or more for their claims to be handled for being sold over-priced and useless… Read more »
Dumfries and Galloway Scottish Debt Misery Reported
A report by Citizens Advice Scotland has shown that Dumfries in Galloway has a Scottish debt misery to the value of £27,927,166 compared to £26,448,693 the previous year. A 5% increase. Dumfries and Galloway CAS, which has four offices in the areas of Dumfries, Annan, Stranraer and Castle Douglas, also has outreach services in other… Read more »
Unemployment high will tip more into debt, says Trust Deed Scotland
The Office for National Statistics reported a 17-year high in unemployment of 2.5 million jobless, with 114,000 alone being made redundant between June and August. This is far beyond the forecasted 20,000 expected for this period and has prompted fears that the UK is about to be tipped into a double dip recession. The economic… Read more » Looks to Help the Retail Investor Make Better Investment Decisions
Easy to use self directed investment tool to help investors become great investors during uncertain market conditions.