A LITTLE PIECE OF ME, by Stephen A. Geller, M.D. “There aren’t many works of fiction that focus so completely–and so devastatingly–on the process of illness: the meetings, the waiting, the diagnoses, etc. All of this is communicated with the cool tone of a great doctor giving a patient the bad news while looking her… Read more »
Science Fiction author Don Viecelli is offering free ebooks to the first fifty (50) customers who request one of the author’s ebooks listed below. Chose any one of the science fiction stories and send your request to viecelli@comcast.net. Specify which ebook and format you want (Kindle or Nook) with an email address where to send… Read more »
Within only two months of being introduced in the marketplace, TEETH FAIRIES: A BABY TEETH TRADITION has won the prestigious silver medal award from The National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA). This book and doll set has already received rave reviews from parents and pediatric dentists, who love the fact that TEETH FAIRIES encourages good dental… Read more »
“Jonathan Raab is not only a genuine advocate for veteran causes, he is a preacher of their tales; both fiction and nonfiction. His writing will immerse you into a combat environment that parallels the imagination of those who have never had the pleasure.” —Derek J. Porter, author of Conquering Mental Fatigues: PTSD & Hypervigilance Disorder… Read more »
Leading mold manufacturing conference features experts in die/mold machining and injection molding