Posts Categorized: Books

“Healing From Gunshots” Book Author Tells Her Survival Story

Posted filed under Books.

As a teacher and caregiver of children for 60 years, Carol Ruth Dreiling, author of the book “Healing from Gun Shots” is appalled at how frequently young kids die from gun violence in America. As the avalanche of shootings, happen over and over and the trauma of these mass shootings ripple across the country, Dreiling… Read more »

Children’s Entertainer, Erica Carlson, Announces the Release of Her First Book, Sedgie the Hedgie Finds the Treasure

Posted filed under Books.

Today, Erica Carlson, CEO of Erica Entertainment, announced the release of her new book, Sedgie the Hedgie Finds the Treasure. Published by Gateway Press, the book was written for children Pre-K through fifth grade. The book was inspired by Erica’s popular pirate-themed magic show, and includes messages about teamwork, courage, and enjoying simple treasures. Like the magic… Read more »

Turkish-American Success Stories: How did they become successful in the U.S.?

Posted filed under Books.

The book sheds light on the lives of seventeen people, many Turkish-born business people and scientists, who received their undergraduate education in Turkey and later settled in the United States to realize their dreams. There is little information that each has achieved outstanding success in their fields. It reveals how they felt during the period… Read more »