Everyone has been there. Most everyone has been out at the bar talking to someone that has potential. But, there’s just not enough information about that person to know if exchanging phone numbers is a good idea. But, if phone numbers aren’t exchanged, will there be regrets the next morning? Can they really be found via the Missed Connections section on Craigslist?
Carrier Pigeon, a brand-new, private messaging app for Android phones, is now available to eliminate that awkward decision – “Am I ready to give this person my telephone number yet?”.
Here’s how it works: When in a bar or restaurant and someone asks for a phone number, users of the new Carrier Pigeon app can scan a QR code. From there, they can each message each other five times, limited to 140 characters each. Then, they can decide whether or not they want to share their phone number. If both users agree to share contact info, it is distributed to each person.
“Despite the popularity of online dating, people still meet potential friends, girlfriends, boyfriends in the real word — in bars, at concerts, in bookstores, and numerous other places,” said John Ruf, Carrier Pigeon developer. “Yet, many people are naturally concerned about safety and getting a basic sense of someone before they hand out their phone number. That’s why I developed Carrier Pigeon – it gives users the ability to act on those random connections, and the chance to decide to share their phone number after a few interactions vs. on the spot.”
Carrier Pigeon is available now for Android and iOS.
About Carrier Pigeon
Carrier Pigeon is a secure, private messaging app that allows people to communicate without sharing phone numbers.