Step 2 of the USMLE examination can be quite challenging for many students. It consists of practice cases in which students must come up with diagnoses and treatment plans for virtual patients. Recently, CanadaQBank added USMLE Step 2 CS questions to its growing lineup of question banks. These questions and cases fall into 41 different topics, all of which can be presented to the student during the examination at random.
The Clinical Skills part of the USMLE is also known as Step 2 CS, and it affords students who are interested in becoming licensed doctors in the United States a chance to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in simulated case settings. With each “case”, students are presented with an opening scenario explaining some basics about the patient and the presenting symptoms. Students are often given the virtual patients’ vital signs, as well, to aid them in their diagnoses.
Students’ Goals
With the information provided to them in the simulated cases, students have several objectives. First, they must work to obtain a medical history, then they must perform a physical examination that is relevant to the patients symptoms and history, and finally, they must discuss the diagnoses with the patients. The student’s goal is to perform everything perfectly using his or her knowledge of medicine obtained throughout his or her years of schooling. The USMLE Step 2 CS examination is the culmination of these things, and it will ultimately decide who becomes a licensed doctor in the United States.
Why CanadaQBank?
CanadaQBank is the most affordable and highly customizable software available today for medical examination preparation. Thousands of students in Canada and abroad have used it with a great deal of success, and thanks to the timed and tutor modes, these students get to customize their own learning experiences along the way, as well. CanadaQBank works hard to remain relevant, and they employ the help of those who have written examination questions in the past to provide the most realistic experience possible.
About CanadaQBank
CanadaQBank® is an online test preparation service for the medical licensing exams of Canada and the United States. Our features, accuracy and expertise in question and case creation will give you the very best studying experience available to pass your Medical Council of Canada and United States medical licensing exams. Thousands of medical students and physicians worldwide use CanadaQBank to help them prepare for the MCCEE, the MCCQE Part 1, the MCCQE Part 2 and the USMLE.