
BTEC students choose GSM London for HE

The future can be a scary prospect, particularly for students just leaving college and looking to embark on the next stage of their educational career. GSM London understand this better than anyone, which is why they have recently hosted the first ever higher education open day specifically for students studying BTEC qualifications.

Open days should be an opportunity for students to gain a thorough understanding of the higher education institution they are visiting, but if they are lumped in with a wide mix of students all studying for different types of qualifications the questions that apply to them may not get answered.

This is why GSM London has hosted an open day just for BTEC students, providing the opportunity for potential students to talk directly with GSM London staff about their course options and what the transition between BTEC study and higher education would entail.

GSM London believe that because their courses are all highly career-focused they offer the perfect environment for BTEC students. One Level 3 Applied Science student who attended the GSM London open day said, “I’d like to study Computer Science and hope to follow a career in this area. I found the open day very interesting and Asim (Asim Majeed, Head of Computer Science) has been very helpful”.

To find about more about GSM London’s career-focused degrees give them a call on 0208 516 7800.

About GSM London

GSM London is an independent School of Higher Education with two campuses in London. We specialise in study programmes leading to qualifications in business management, finance & accounting, law, travel & tourism, IT, HR, health services management and cognate areas, as well as awards of various professional bodies.

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