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Big & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles is Here!

Industry: Books

She's Fat. Shes Outrageous. She's Outspoken. She's Determined. She's Big & Fabulous!

San Francisco (PRUnderground) February 1st, 2017

The time for BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles is now! The emphasis is on positive body image and author, Randi M Sherman’s latest humor novel, Big & Fabulous, is a truly entertaining story that’s strongly written, funny, insightful and bitingly smart. Inside it’s covers, readers will find no shortage of acidly hilarious accounts of the highs and lows of living life inside a big and fabulous body.

“Big & Fabulous is one of those rare books that makes you smile as you’re reading, and then sigh a bit as you turn the last page.”

In a world filled with skinny jeans, SPANX, narrow airplane seats, diets-du-jour and mouth-breathing bullies, it’s clear that our society’s ideas of true beauty and value are, well… screwed up.

Although there are some enlightened trendsetters and designers making headway, clothing is only a part of the battle for the plus size woman. She has the unfair, yet added burden of having to prove that she is as valuable as her size six counter-part, while maintaining her dignity and her humor and focusing on what is truly important.

Meet Brenda Cankles. Imperfect, impervious and improving, Brenda Cankles is an unlikely heroine. Unfazed by the enduring censure of society, she is determined to realize the fabulous life that she has always believed is her destiny.

“Written with colorful detail in an irreverent style, it is emphatic, compelling and feisty as hell.”

Brenda’s story is told between the covers of BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles, the newest humor fiction novel by award winning author Randi M Sherman.  Here, find a fantastically real person, sometimes struggling to fit in, but mostly giving the rest of the world the mother-lovin’ bird. From her clunky childhood, through her stumbling yet optimistic adolescence to her full-figured and unapologetic emergence into adulthood, Brenda is a special brand of warrior. She is big, bold and beautiful. While the quirky cast of characters who surround her is eternally insistent that Brenda live her life in the background and fit into society’s mold, she will have none of it.

Author, Randi Sherman’s experience as a stand-up comedienne is evident as one reviewer describers her as a “frighteningly perceptive, funny and powerful woman,” and another says, “ …readers will be kept reading and laughing throughout.”

BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles is Sherman’s fifth novel, her fourth The Lobby has won 17 Awards for Humor and General Fiction. Her other books include: The Truth About Caroline (2015), Caroline Starts Over (2014) and Paula Takes A Risk (2012).

Dip into the outspoken world of Brenda Cankles and get lost in the adventure of a big and fabulous gal who takes no prisoners, makes no excuses and has never had any doubt about how truly special she is.

Available from all of your favorite online booksellers: Amazon.com, Barnesand Nobe, ITunes and more

For more information, please contact info@randimshermanbooks.com and/ or visit https://www.randimshermanbooks.com

Title:   BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles

Release Date:   February 1, 2017

Genre:   Fiction, Humorous

Friesen Press

282 Pages

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