Few higher education providers offer such a career-focused experience as GSM London. Recent research has found that those with a degree qualification are far more likely to have a broader range of job opportunities, and postgraduates are open to even more again. GSM London looks to utilise this by inviting numerous prominent UK companies to talk to their students and showcase their talents to these prospective employers.
In the ever-changing and challenging job market any push towards employability is welcomed and GSM London ensure that each and every one of their students is provided with the best possible chance of attaining their desired career after graduation. This not only manifests itself into a superb careers service with its own dedicated Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn page, but also talks to students from the likes of Barclays, Enterprise and Twenty Recruitment.
It is one thing creating career-focused syllabuses, but another to ensure that students are talking to industry professionals. The GSM London Careers Centre works hard for both its undergraduate and postgraduate students to give them the best possible start to their career.
To speak to the higher education provider that has provided its students with talks about career opportunities from representatives of Barclays Wealth & Investment Management, Instructus Markets, Enterprise Rent-a-Car and Twenty Recruitment, give GSM London a call today on 0208 516 7800.
About GSM London
GSM London is an independent School of Higher Education with two campuses in London. We specialise in study programmes leading to qualifications in business management, finance & accounting, law, travel & tourism, IT, HR, health services management and cognate areas, as well as awards of various professional bodies.