Biblia Global this month is setting a new goal for the delivery of Bibles to help deliver the Gospel for Asia. The goal is simple yet important: 50,000 Hmong Bibles must be printed and delivered to the Hmong population in Asia. Starting with just one region, where over 60,000 Hmong Christians are living in various villages and small mountain towns, only 10,000 Hmong Bibles are currently in the hands of these dedicated and loving Christian converts. It is imperative that as many Hmong Bibles be distributed in order to help keep their faith strong and on the proper path. Even though this minority group has received such poor treatment over the years, their faith in the Lord remains strong. It is up to the team at Biblia Global to keep the lines of communication from the many caring Christians in America open to these good people in Asia.
The Biblia Global missionaries understand the risks involved in delivering the Gospel for Asia’s minority people. Their brave and Christian efforts are saving souls every day, and encouraging new Christians to keep their faith and belief even during trying times. The Hmong people have responded marvelously to His message of Love and Salvation and serve as outstanding models and examples of Christians adhering to their faiths during the most difficult times.
This important outreach program would not exist except for the loving support and help of fellow Christians who are contributing time and money to ensure that people such as the Hmong across the Asian mountainsides are not forgotten by God or his loving Ambassadors. All donations are not forgotten by either God or Biblia Global. Find out the many ways that Christians can help by visiting the Biblia Global website.