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Benjamin Haire appointed CFO of next .com giant in the making

Industry: Financial Services

Benjamin Haire confirms in an interview why we were so intrigued by His character and charisma show us why he is America's next leading CFO.

Tampa, FL (PRUnderground) November 12th, 2013, a social media website, has created a way for young professionals to profit of their talents. Benjamin Haire has been appointed CFO of this next generation .com giant. We interviewed Benjamin and found qualities much needed in leaders of today’s society. In the following interview you will see why we were so eager to learn more about and its newly appointed CFO.

“What made you create boosted pro”?

“Alex, my partner and I created this website to inspire people to follow their dreams and still live a wealthy and fulfilling life. Also, the making of boosted pro is a unique idea where a community of people can interact, chat, post pictures… basically do all the fun stuff while still making solid contacts, sponsors, and friends. Our site isn’t just about the people you already know, it’s about the people working together as an online network to make their dreams come true or at least boost up what they may already be focusing on.”

“What makes you want to help others”?

“I think deep down most people have the desire to help others anyway. That is how a society functions. The fact is the economy is down and we are just taking the general idea and making it more accessible and easier to use, while reaching a broader network of people across the world.”

“What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome?”

“I would say time management by far; however doing what we have accomplished so far with the little amount of resources was no picnic. The site is still very new and will need work daily, but using our time wisely was probably the hardest thing to manage.”

“What is your background in finance?”

“My background in finance began while I was working at Big Dog Motorcycles in 2006. I was a salesman that did very well selling high end choppers. I applied to be sent to school and was accepted and sent to Deerfield Beach to be trained by JM&A. I completed their course and took my finance state exam where I received a 97%. Shortly after, I was promoted to Finance and Insurance manager working under Big Dog and Ernie Haire Ford. I’m still certified to this date. I studied economics in high school at Berkeley Preparatory School and I gained some education in the Business School at the University of Alabama. I say some because I dropped out.”

“What are your goals for the future as CFO of an up and coming .com?”

“Well right now we are set on some of our immediate goals, we are just starting to get noticed and our main goal is to eventually be a top ranked website in the next few years. In order for us to get noticed not only do we have to succeed, we need success stories from people all over. Basically, if they do well we do well. It’s very hard to speculate the capabilities of this idea, but I’m certain, with enough hard work on our end we can make this site very successful and profitable. As of right now it is impossible to determine any kind of realistic figures.”

“Today many people struggle being at their current jobs and finding a balance to follow their dreams. What are your thoughts on this?”

“I believe firmly that first you have to believe in your dream, once that is complete the next phase is to (while still maintaining some sort of income or help) come up with a business plan that makes sense. To some people, that comes naturally and some not so much. Lastly and most importantly is executed said plan. There are going to be bumps in the road but make no mistake, it can be done. There is no room for doubt in the last phase, just stick to your plan and ignore all of the people who said that you couldn’t do it. Everyone has a different take on things some people like to play it safe and that’s a fine choice, but we are dreamers and I am confident that if They look into their heart they will find the answer. That is a very good question and thus very hard to answer.”

Elaborate on your company, “where do you see it in 5 years? “

“In 5 years we would like to be a standard in social media. Even if we are THEE standard, our goal is to leave our mark in history for doing something great. We will always shoot for number 1 but those guys have a huge head start so we have a lot of catching up/work to do. The fifth year mark will be determined by the next year. I could answer that question accurately once again but it’s really hard to predict the future. We just plan to keep working really hard and stay on task while meeting some awesome people that have helped us out in the meantime.”

“What do you like most about your position/Job?”

“It keeps me excited; we are always wondering what’s going to happen next and what kinds of opportunities will arise. After that I would say that I am privileged to work with my best friends and meeting the other athletes and watching the site grow at a tremendous rate is just a bonus for me.”

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