
Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd will share its experience in solar energy

However, 17 years ago Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd was itself a customer and ordered the equipment for its first private solar power plant. In 2003 the construction of solar power in Europe was a new thing and a large investment. Even the 3Mw power plant was a very expensive and risky investment project. It was the very beginning of the green energy and there was a lack of qualified designers and contractors to execute such construction. The cost of solar panels and inverters at that time has been much higher than it is now.

The correct choice of the responsible designer and contractor from the Czech Republic allowed Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd without unnecessary costs and complications to build its first solar power station, which still in 2020 produces electric power and sells it to the network. For the construction of the first power plant Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd used galvanized steel driven piles for structures on which solar panels were mounted. Only the upper part of the mounts was assembled from expensive aluminum slats. That allowed to significally reduce the cost of metal frames for solar panels. The correct choice of high-quality Chinese manufacturer of the solar panels showed in practice within past 17 years of the exploitation the excellent result: the minor degradation/aging of the panels in course of operational life, lower than the scheduled project. Just few times after the 10-years warranty there happened failure of just a couple of panels. The cost of these panels was lower due to the order placement not with the direct manufacturer but with the right dealer. The law cost of solar photoelectric modules allowed to reduce the payback period of the power plant and the repayment period of the investment.

The right choice of the linear inverters and refusal from using large central inverters after many years of operation was the most correct decision those days. Nowadays only such solutions are available on the market. This choice has proven its reliability and competitive price. The main issue remained is the protection and cleaning of cooling fans of the inverters. Now the leading Chinese manufacturers of high-quality inverters offer the inverters without fan and with radiator type of cooling that is much more reliable.

Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd has made the proper choice of the dry-oil transformers instead of the oil-filled transformers that has proven their reliable operation and failure-free performance uptime throughout all these years, though their price was a little higher.

Even after 17 years Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd would offer such constructive solutions in the construction of new solar power plants of 5-15MW capacity. Of course nowadays it is more efficient to use tracking systems of the two-axis positioning of solar panels which allow panels to move after the sun and to achieve larger electricity production and more rapid return on the investment.

Due to the experience of Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd in erection of its own solar power plants and experience in the design and construction of solar power plants for the clients, due to the established relations with contractors and suppliers from China, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Turkey, Mexico, Thailand, Singapore, Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd is now ready to offer its customers balanced and excellent design solutions for durable and reliable operation of a solar power plant.

Due to the experience of Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd it is possible to reduce the construction cost of the modern solar power plant refusing of some unnecessary expensive solutions and using the effective and proven concepts.

Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd will be glad to any cooperation in the regions of Asia, Europe and America in the field of green solar energy. Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd is ready to share with its customers its long experience in this field, realizing the responsibility and importance of the development of green power in the world!

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Name: Francis peled
Phone: +1 267 678 17 37