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Behind Each Door in Spark’s New Novel “Private Pursuits”, You’ll Find a Story of Courage

Industry: Books

At 808 West Washington Street in New Water, Illinois, you’ll find six families under one roof with similar goals: overcoming challenges and planning their futures.

New Water, IL (PRUnderground) September 19th, 2018

Here comes a story of how each tenant living at an apartment house in central Illinois is emotionally traveling her or his route of survival, juncture, and aspiration. All the while asking the vital question: when will be my chance to leave the present status quo on the side of the road?

We meet thirty-six-year-old MACEY BURRIS in Unit #3, a single mother to Emma. Each of the women has her own contemporary agenda, but clear change is in store for both. Macey is ready to fulfill one of her lost dreams of a more glamorous lifestyle but she must wait for Emma to graduate high school. In the meantime, she endures mistakes, missteps, and misfortunes before she gains that liberation.

Also appearing is DOLSEN WORTHINGTON, landlord and sole occupant of Unit #1. In his black and white vintage world, he makes due in the twentieth-century color wheel called life. His regime is populated with antiques, a Chihuahua, and valued television. When he discovers he has a son he never knew existed, BANE KENDRICKS, his eccentric routine is threatened.

Come on in to Unit #2 where SONNY VICE is introduced. A handicapped Persian Gulf veteran, who lives alone, gambles not only with a tempest lifestyle, but with fate. Taking chances on cards, women, and a bum leg, will he ever hit the jackpot he’s only fantasized about?

When focusing on the upstairs apartment, Unit #4, you’ll find two teenage siblings thrust into reality by circumstances beyond their control, or imagination. Forced to grow up before their allowable time, RAMEY AND KETTI ALLEN must eventually heal and discover their own destinies.

Welcome to the basement apartment occupied by the oldest resident. Below the house is Unit #5, where a lonely and mysterious elderly woman resides. FERNIE BRALEY compulsively cleans, polishes, and dusts until there is no more disorder in her underworld. But it’s the secret she hides that will prove to be more than surprising.

Outside of the residence, we encounter TOBY REYNOLDS, Emma Burris’ biological father. He doesn’t approve of the lifestyle from the mother of his only child, and the influence it may have on his daughter. But he has plans to change all that. As long as he can get everyone else on board.

TEMPLE OBERMILLER, Macey’s boss, adds charm and sassiness to the story. Her wisdom and enterprising spirit contributes to her successful business in a small town frame of mind.

Join this dispirited group of people on their individual journeys to fulfillment in PRIVATE PURSUITS.

Copies of Private Pursuits are available at all major booksellers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Black Rose Writing

Print and Electronic review copies available upon request

Contact: Christopher Miller / Social Media & Marketing Expert, Black Rose Writing

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