BEERS, Because Everything Else Really Sucks, is a lifestyle brand for guys and gals of today. BEERS has begun establishing itself among those who love to enjoy a good beer and live life as they see fit. The BEERS motto and acronym, Because Everything Else Really Sucks, is a way of life that entails beer, comedy and people.
BEERS’s “Because Everything Else Really Sucks” Except Our Comedy Contest runs weekly on our Facebook page. We are awarding a $50 Visa gift card every week to the winning comedian. Winners will also receive a BEERS Comedian of the Week trophy. Finding the funniest people to showcase is our main goal for the contest as we’ll be taking the top 12 comedians on tour starting in the fall of 2015. The BEERS Comedy Tour will surely be coming to a city near you.
Our contest is open to anyone who wants to participate, if you’re over 18 years old. You don’t have to be a comedian so If you have that one extremely funny joke you want everyone to hear, or a routine you’ve been working on, please feel free to enter?
You can record your video at home, in the car, at work or wherever you want. Videos may also be a clip of a routine you did at a venue, but the audio and video must be of a usable quality.
Enter the Comedy Contest here…
You can always visit us at
And always remember BEERS, “Because Everything Else Really Sucks”!
BEERS, which is an acronym for \\”Because Everything Else Really Sucks\\”, is a brand that exists well within the blue collar, twenty-something\\’s lifestyle.