
Author LaToya Lawson Shows a Shining Example of How to Write About a Difficult Subject in “MA’SITTER” Book Series

LaToya Lawson has faced baseless accusations of racism fearlessly, and she remains undaunted in her mission to bring her writing to a wider audience. Talking to the author of MA’SITTER, one quickly gets the impression of a person who is fighting for a cause.

Writing can be easy for many who express themselves about comfortable, surface level subjects, or for those who present material that is strictly meant to entertain. For others, the call to write involves sharing more difficult things, as an effort to exorcise demons, to shine a light on areas that need to be exposed or to help teach about painful subjects. In the second case, getting started and following through on a project can flow much more simply, especially when the aspiring author has an example to follow in how to address uncomfortable experiences in a compelling way. By all accounts, Mississippi-based author, LaToya Lawson, is a very solid role model, a passionate writer who harnesses her own experiences, shaping them as fiction and who is presenting them in her series, “MA’SITTER”. “MA’SITTER” has been both extremely popular and has attracted quite a bit of controversy.

The premise of the story is that an African American girl has gone to work for wealthy white clients, who persuade her to help them kill their loved ones, earning her a reputation as a hitter/sitter (and the appellation “MA’SITTER”). The characters in this book are realistic, the plot is tantalizing and the genre is crime thriller/mystery fiction. None of this is racist. LaToya wrote the book from her own perspective as an African-American woman, and to see people trying to tear it down, people who claim that the very evils she is fighting are ones that she upholds, has demoralized her, yes – but has certainly not beaten her.

LaToya knows where she stands. Despite all these additional challenges, she will continue to fight for MA’SITTER. Marketing firms have refused her business; freelancers have canceled their projects with her; bookstores have canceled her readings; and even Facebook has banned her advertisements of MA’SITTER. She is caught up in the middle of a storm that hardly anyone understands and that no one is bothering to examine beyond the surface.

I take very seriously the position as a BAME (Black, Asian, Ethnic Minority) woman who has a voice and is using it to carry an important story and message,” commented LaToya. “If this stance and my actions and method can help others also find the courage to do something similar, it is really a wonderful honor. Let’s make the world a better, more-informed place, together.”

LaToya’s past has seen her, in her role as a home healthcare company owner, be dragged into a very painful situation that led to abuse and racism from an ultra-wealthy family. This left wounds and scars that are still painful, but laid the foundation for her fiction series “MA’SITTER”, the first of a four-part book series, so far. This has had such an impact that it has not just inspired loyal readers, but also bad reviews and attacks on her reputation from the same kind of groups of people she has exposed.

LaToya has faced these attacks with courage and not allowed them to slow her down. While it has certainly made the continued process of dealing with the past more constructively, she has stepped up to meet this head on, without compromising her work on “MA’SITTER” and beyond.

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About LaToya Lawson

Born in Chicago and employed as a caregiver from the age of nineteen, LaToya Lawson has spent most of her life by the bedsides of the sick and infirm in Mississippi. By just twenty-three, she had founded Mississippi Professional Nursing Care, LLC, which would go on to inspire her debut novel, MA’SITTER.

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