
Attracting the Right Visitors to Your Website

Norma Maxwell, founder of Connect Interactive LLC, WordPress and online visibility expert, releases three steps you can take right now to attract the right people to your website.

It’s great to have traffic to your website, yes? But have you ever wondered “who” exactly is visiting? Do you wonder if your website is going to resonate with the people you have identified as your ideal clients/customers? Will it influence them to hire you, or buy your products?

Assuming you have figured out who you want to attract to your website (you’ve done the work and defined a very specific niche whose problem you can solve best, and for whom you do your best work–because you love, LOVE, working with this type of client/customer), you can make sure that it will. If you haven’t figured this out, you will want to consider making it priority because it is the difference between running a profitable business or not.

Once you know–really “get”–who you want to attract, the first question is how to attract them to your website. The second is how to make sure they know they are in the right place once they arrive.  The answer is found by addressing three main areas on your website to make sure you will attract and convert your ideal clients and customers.

  1. Make sure your website has the right content for your ideal client/customer.
  2. Make sure your website has the right appearance for your ideal client/customer.
  3. Make sure your webiste has the right inbound strategy that creates inbound links to your website from areas of the Internet where your ideal client/customer is likely to hang out.

At the foundation of your online presence you have the excellence of your product or service. You have taken the time to build a business that will serve your ideal client and customer in the best possible way. They deserve to find you and you deserve to be found.

With the right content, you build on that solid foundation with website content that speaks specifically to your ideal client/customer and communicates to them (in their language) how you will solve their problem. You make sure they know they have landed in the right place and that you understand them like no-one else because you have taken the time to make sure your website has the right appearance. And finally, with the right inbound strategy, you make sure you are getting in front them by spreading your content across the online places you know they will be likely to congregate, making your solution visible to them and providing links back to related content at every stop.

You will begin to be found by your perfect, ideal clients and customers who need what you can provide for them better than anyone else. Your business will thrive, and your customers will refer their friends and colleagues to you, and participate in your social media communities–generating even more inbound traffic to your website. You will attract the exact right people to your website, they will be happy to buy your products and/or services, and you will get to watch your business grow.

About Connect Interactive LLC

Connect Interactive is a full service creative agency that specializes in WordPress design, development and strategic online success building. We are a highly experienced team of graphic designers, web programmers, and online marketing specialists who are committed to excellence.

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Name: Norma Maxwell
Phone: 623-322-4997