SkySong, Arizona State University’s Innovation Center, launched a decade ago, is attracting new high tech firms and generating much-need construction jobs in the Arizona economy.
The Center’s conection to ASU’s research and entrepreneurial resources is an attraction for tenants, and it supports, in SkySong’s words, “a different level of productivity.”
New SkySong tenant Shashi Jasthi, CEO of the California-based independent IT consulting firm Solugenix Corporation, says that the space is a natural fit for “really smart technology people of today.”
“These kinds of people like flexibility and auxiliary support, such as having a deli in a nearby café or having access to big conference rooms that are already outfitted with things like video conferencing and Wi-Fi.”
SkySong is comprised of 42 acres, with a 125-foot tent-like shade structure at the center that has white flowingg sails reminiscent of the Denver Airport.
“These kinds of projects have been tried in many other places,” notes Sharon Harper, president and CEO of Plaza Cos., the master developer of SkySong.
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