It started in 2013 Hales Global Group and Partners working with Wall Street Investment bankers and real estate services for private investors were teamed with federal agencies.
As more and more government records are created and stored in electronic form. The National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) that was establish, maintain and operate records for federal agencies; it also empowers it to approve record centers that are maintained and operated by individuals agencies.
As Americans demand answers about the government’s wholesale electronic snooping on its citizens, the primary snooper-the National Security Agency (NSA)–has built a monstrous digital data center in Utah capable of sorting through and storing every-e-mail, voicemail, and social media communication it can get it hands on. We are building networks to support these agencies via Hales Global Group of teaming partners.
The top-secret data warehouse could hold as many as 1.25 milion 4-terabyte hard drives, built into some 5,000 servers to store the trillions upon trillions of ones and zeroes that make up your digital fingerprint.
Hales Global Group LLC and teaming partners are looking to help NARA place more electronic warehouses across the world and within a 50 miles of a US federal facility. This is a mandate put into place by President Obama.
“Even on Wall Street the regulator FINRA is moving into data analysis and we want to be ahead of the curve stated Larry Hales CEO of Hales Global Group LLC”. Recently Richard Ketchum FINRA’s Chairman & CEO stated “cards will provide us with a treasure of trove information and the ability to focus quicker on firms that are placing investors at high risk. FINRA relies now partly on data analysis and partly on field examiners who gather potential wrong doings.
Big data, cloud and digital storage is the way of growth. is a boutique marketing and government business development agency that caters exclusively to emerging and mid-size technology companies looking to increase market awareness and rapidly grow sales through the strategic and execution of highly effective marketing and communications programs.
About Hales Global Group LLC
Hales Global Group identifies, develops, and executes strategic business development opportunities for clients worldwide with US federal government agencies.