ContentVia produced a short animated video, writen and directed by journalist and filmaker Boonsri Dickinson that was featured on CNET in an article about The Defender. The 1:19 video titled, “My Story: I Got Mugged” was produced by ContentVia’s Video Production team in Columbus, Ohio during The Defender’s successful Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. The animation was used to illustrate the experience of Boonsri Dickinson and the alternatie realities of having super powers or a black belt to fight back against a mugger.
CNET featured the video on August 22nd, 2014 in Anthony Domanico’s article, “Pepper Spray gest a camera with The Defender” on CNET. CNET is one of the visited consumer technology websites and is owned by CBS Interactive.
Videographer Steve Kreuser, ContentVia’s Digital Media Director, said,when asked about the project, “In today’s mobile ad-space environement, where commercials bookend almost everything on the web, compelling info-tainment that rises above the din of advertising to ramain embedded in the minds of consumers is our main objective. From 15 second ‘brandings’ to 3 minute ‘explainers’, our advertising campaigns are covering the who, how, and why of emerging technologies in an energetic and entertaining format.”
Warehoused in the second floor of the Columbus Idea Foundry, the startup marketing team at ContentVia works with technology entrepreneurs to launch new technology products. Actively involved with several Internet of Things technologies, ContentVia provides full service sales and marketing support tailored to the needs, budget, and pace of tech startups. The Internet of Things has created a boom of opportunity for hardware startups to develop a proof of concept, validate their concept through crowdfunding, and fund their venture with minimal investment. The needs of a hardware startup are uniquely challenging and ContentVia’s team has experience in launching B2B and B2C technology.
ContentVia President, Ryan McManus said, “The explainer video has became a minimum requirement for launching a startup. For hardware startups that turn to crowdfunding, the video is crucial for telling your story. Product videos need to be short, concise, and engaging. The animated video is a great way to explain the virtues of your product in a fun and entertaining way.”
You can learn more about ContentVia’s video production by visiting:
About ContentVia
ContentVia is a marketing agency that works with entrepreneurs, startups, and regular companies to launch new products and services. We love hardware and technology. ContentVia is based at the Columbus Idea Foundry in Columbus, Ohio. The digital creative team at ContentVia blends strategy and inspiration to create dynamic marketing programs. We provide a complete marketing team for less than a cost of an FTE to give your startup the skills and experience you need to make your startup succeed.
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