We’ve all heard for years upon years upon eons, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. That’s all fine and dandy in theory, but when it comes to commercial lawn maintenance another old adage comes to mind, “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression”. If you own a business, work at an office or live in an apartment complex, the landscaping and grounds maintenance around you are your customers first impression, so make sure your outdoor areas are saying the right thing.
Make an entrance… Whether you use fountains and topiaries or minimal, rock-filled beds, always make sure your entrances and walkways are clean and easily accessible. Customers and potential clients don’t want to be walking through overgrown grass and weed filled beds just to get to your front door. Using commercial landscaping, you can design, creative plantings or even using decorative pavers can all add interest to a buildings entry.
Join us and stay awhile! When an area is comfortable, people tend to stay longer. Providing an outdoor space that is inviting and enjoyable, gives customers a better opportunity to take their time and also encourages return visits. Eye catching landscape designs, colorful planters or even just shaded waiting areas, are easy changes that could lead to future referrals, because we all know, word of mouth is a powerful tool!
Sometimes the loudest statements can be made with a whisper. Retail landscaping is not always about elaborate flower beds or large sculptures. Having manicured grassy areas, tightly trimmed shrubs and well marked walkways are all easy, simple ways to give a sense of order and add value to your business. When you take the time to care about the outside, people naturally assume they are in good hands once they walk inside. Running a business doesn’t usually come with a whole lot of free time, especially for chores like cutting grass and pulling weeds outside your office. Commercial lawn maintenance and office landscaping are jobs best left to the professionals.
Get a free estimate here or Call Amazing Blades today at 843-652-LAWN (5296) and let us handle all the dirty work so that your first impression can be the one that seals the deal! Between our Commercial Landscaping Services, our irrigation system maintenance, and our bush-hogging services, we’ve got all your business, retail or commercial areas covered!
About Amazing Blades Landscaping
Amazing Blades Landscaping the premier professional home and commercial landscaping company along South Carolina’s Grand Strand. Of course Amazing Blades Landscaping offers the basic landscaping maintenance services of professional mowing, edging, trimming and bed maintenance. We also offer lawn care services that keep your grass and soil in perfect balance for lush growth, lawn insect control (mole crickets, chinch bugs and fire ants), shrub maintenance and tree maintenance services to protect your most prominent investments throughout the year, mulching services, and core aeration services.