The Kern County Board of Supervisors voted to make the AllianceNRG ProgramTM available to Kern County residents and businesses. The AllianceNRG Program makes energy and water-saving renovations affordable for property owners by providing financing for 100% of the project and closing costs. The financing is repaid through an assessment on your property tax bill. The term is up to the useful life of the improvements up to 30 years. The AllianceNRG Program is one of the leading property assessed clean energy (PACE) programs in the country.
In addition to helping property owners save on energy and water bills, the AllianceNRG Program spurs local job creation by increasing demand for contractors and supplier services. The AllianceNRG Program will help create more jobs in Kern County.
“The Board’s approval of Open PACE expands options for Kern County homeowners and businesses to make wise energy- and water-saving improvements that lower their bills, create new jobs, and help our environment,” Board of Supervisors Chairman Mick Gleason said.
About AllianceNRG Program California
A wide variety of energy-saving products are available to property owners through the AllianceNRG Program. Some of AllianceNRG Program’s most popular products include solar power panel installations, whole-home heating and cooling (HVAC) systems, energy-saving windows and doors, roofing and insulation. Property owners may also finance electric vehicle charging stations.
The AllianceNRG Program can help property owners save water, with high efficiency toilets, faucets, shower-heads, drip irrigation systems, rainwater catchment systems, gray water systems, artificial turf, and drought tolerant landscaping.
Commercial property owners can also use the AllianceNRG Program for seismic retrofits in addition to energy and water conservation and renewable energy improvements. The AllianceNRG Program is the leading PACE provider for seismic retrofits in San Francisco.
“AllianceNRG Program is making a big impact on job creation and economic stimulus throughout California” said Bob Schuman, AllianceNRG Program Vice President Policy and Governmental Relations. “The Program has a strong track record where it is active and will make it easy for local residents to make home improvements that increase their comfort and save money. Based on our experience in other PACE communities, we expect to see a high level of interest from homeowners and businesses.”
Participation in AllianceNRG Program is 100 percent voluntary for both municipalities and property owners, and is cost neutral for local governments. A growing number of cities and counties are partnering with multiple PACE providers to increase financing choices available to consumers.
The AllianceNRG Program is a state-wide program that is part of the Open PACE Program offered by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA). CSCDA is the oldest and largest Joint Powers Authority in California.
Contact: Bob Schuman, Vice-President Policy and Government Relations.
858-254-4722. Email:
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