Advanced Biofuel Center releases Calendar of Advanced Biofuel Events for the year 2016

Industry: Healthcare

Advanced Biofuel Center Presents Calendar of events season 2016 on various training in Biofuel crops and technology

Jaipur, India (PRUnderground) December 13th, 2015

The knowledge arm of Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC), Biodiesel Business Academy is proudly presenting its calendar of Events and training Programmes scheduled in year 2016 on nonfood oil based biofuels. The BBA has proud to present the industry’s leading training portfolio developed specifically to focus on the needs of commercially-minded business executives from both within and beyond the green energy industries.

The Advanced Biofuel Center is a bioenergy crop research and development company that has established the Biodiesel Business Academy to provide quality, impartial, informative and enjoyable advanced-level training with enhanced technology in the field of biodiesel production.

ABC believes that biodiesel can reduce dependence on petroleum, help address climate change and boost domestic economies. Biodiesel from a variety of feedstock’s can meet contemporary needs for environmental stewardship, economic prosperity, and quality of life without compromising the ability of future generations to meet these needs for them. We are confident that scientific advancements can demonstrate, preserve, and enhance biodiesel’s ability to help meet the food, feed, fiber, and energy needs of the future

Events Calendar

Feb. 27-28, Jodhpur, India, India: Global Castor Biodiesel World 2016: 2 Day Castor State of Art International Workshop

March 21—25, Jaipur, India: 5-Day Business School for Biodiesel: Mini MBA in Biodiesel Business

April 27-28, Jaipur, India: Global Pongamia Biodiesel World 2016: 2 Day Pongamia Biodiesel State of Art International Workshop

April 29-30, Jaipur, India: 4th Global Moringa Meet 2016: 2 Day Moringa State of Art International Workshop

May 7-8, Jaipur India: Global Algae Biodiesel World 2016: 2 Day Algae Biodiesel State of Art International Workshop

June 1-31, Jaipur India: 1 month Industrial Biodiesel Training/ 5-Day Business School for Biodiesel: Mini MBA in Biodiesel Business

June 25-26, Jaipur India: Global Jojoba World 2016: 2 Day Jojoba State of Art International Workshop

July 1-31, Jaipur, India: Customized Biodiesel Group Trainings +20

August 1-31, Jaipur, India: Customized Biodiesel Group Trainings +10

Sept. 12-16, Jaipur, India: GLOBAL BIODIESEL CROPSPHERE 2016: Global Jatropha World Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme

Oct. 1-31, Jaipur, India: Customized PROGRAMEES ON BIODIESEL SOIL to OIL Programmes on Biodiesel Soil to Oil/ BIODIESEL GROUP TRAINING

Nov. 21-22, Jaipur, India: Global Moringa Meet 2016: 2 Day Moringa State of Art International Workshop


The long-term strategic objective of ABC imitative is to become the pioneer global platform to bring the necessary expertise and assets together to address the issues and challenges in an integrated manner along the entire value chain of nonfood oil-based biofuels across the globe.

While releasing the calendar the President Mr. D P Maharshi stated “We are excited by the future of Bio- energy but realistic about the challenges it faces. It is not just technology, but also economics, markets and investment returns that determine how the energy market evolves -and this commercially-focused ethos underlies our training approach.”

We regularly run courses across the entire nonfood Biofuel Feedstocks, technology, Finance and management renewable to build a sustainable Biofuel industry worldwide and also offer bespoke in-house training/Group training to meet your individual corporate training needs.
I hope to be able to welcome you to an ABC’s Global Programs on nonfood biodiesel: he further added
Farmers, growers and project developers today, both those in existing businesses and new entrants, live in an environment where they by necessity have to keep an eye on new opportunities. As well, diversification of cropping opportunities, within the limits of good business sense, provides an essential part of risk management in new Biodiesel feedstock farming. Undertaking the research and supporting industries searching for new products is only the first stage of ABC’s work. Unless the work is communicated to the widest possible audience the potential of these Biodiesel Crops will never be fully realized. That is why ABC is organizing Global Programme to bring together the expertise and brightest brains to provide the information required for those who want to know more about 2nd generation biodiesel crops. ABC’s Programme is aimed at consolidating much of the recent research information into an easy to learn format for those searching for the latest information on Biodiesel Crops.

For more visit us or contact

Director Training
Biodiesel Business Academy

About Advanced Biofuel Center

Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC) conducts advanced multi-feedstock research in the industry’s non-food energy farming crop improvement programme and addresses the complete value chain. As a producer of proprietary seeds, ABC is in the most attractive segment of the biodiesel value chain — upstream from the capital intensive refining and conversion of biodiesel.
ABC’s goal is to triple dedicated biodiesel crop yields within 10 years, increase the oil content to 48% and, in combination with other crops, target an oil yield that is 1500 gallon per hectare. Researchers also hope to increase the quality of the oils and other products produced—while minimizing inputs including pesticides and fertilizers.
At ABC, the dedicated biodiesel crop curcas plants’ biology and genetic profile have been subjected to intense scrutiny, as molecular and genetic scientists collaborate with agronomists to breed and develop cultivars suitable for large scale fuel farming. Traditional breeding, inter-species hybridisation, genetic modification, and advanced cloning techniques are all being applied to produce new commercial cultivars.
Enhanced cultivar and seeds
After 11 years of continuous research and experiments in cultivating and breeding dedicated biodiesel crop curcas and other biofuel crops, ABC has developed a systematic breeding and cultivar development strategy. Newly bred cultivars are extensively tested in multi-location trials and true to type seeds are being produced using the organization’s improved seed product line. Improved seeds result in greater yield, uniformity and vigour while significantly reducing plantation costs for growers. JCLMax3, MOMAX, DI03SAP etc improved varieties have been tested and developed for a range of climatic and soil conditions.
ABC’s dedicated biodiesel crop agronomy knowledge platform focuses on ‘plantation technologies’ and has run an agronomy research programme alongside the breeding programme that looks into all agronomy issues.ABC further share and distribute its knowledge and expertise through its knowledge arm Biodiesel Business Academy
ABC scientists are continuously working on enhanced genetics, agronomics and horticulture sciences to drive new varieties, more knowledge around the plant’s nutritional requirements and more science-based processes for the care and custody of the plant.
Balancing resources to create a sustainable long-term solution without harming the environment is the challenge. The focus must remain on balancing the three major areas—genetics, agronomics and horticulture practices—so the plant will grow with optimal productivity.
We are confident that scientific advancements can demonstrate, preserve, and enhance biodiesel\\\\’s ability to help meet the food, feed, fiber, and energy needs of the future.
We have a state-of-the-symbolization base that is generally outfitted with cutting-edge innovation based apparatus and world class conveniences. We have isolated our office into numerous divisions to guarantee that greatest conceivable operational proficiency is accomplished.


Moinga India is making huge efforts, experiments, research to harness the harnessing the “superfood” powers of Moringa oleifera, a drought-resistant tree native to North India and widely used throughout the topics for in solving this global problem. Moringa shows great promise as a tool to help overcome some of the most severe problems in the developing world—malnutrition, deforestation, impure water and poverty. The tree does best in the dry regions where these problems are worst. Green leafy vegetables and fruits supply much needed essential micro-nutrients like beta-carotene [vitamin A], vitamin C, folic acid, and also calcium and potassium. Moringa leaves in particular are a rich, inexpensive source of micro-nutrients. Although few people have ever heard of it today, Mission Moringa India is to establish the Moringa to become one of the world’s most valuable plants, at least in humanitarian terms Moringa India has been formed to identify the factors limiting the adoption and use of the Moringa Tree for Agricultural Development for Producing Biodiesel and to explore the important role Moringa play in the lives of rural people and the global economy deliberating advancement of existing and future agricultural development projects. It’s experience, expertise, and views about Moringa and its use for agriculture development for the purposes of reducing hunger and poverty and formulate strategies for developing moringa failsafe farms and also helps new growers to have holistic information on moringa crop with academic research activities in Agronomy, Horticulture, and Biology, industrial practices in biofuels , Marketing and Financial aspects of Moringa commercialization. It will be a great pleasure to share the up-to-date advances in both fundamental researches and engineering practices, and to project the areas where we may contribute to to harness the full potential of moringa for betterment of people and planet Moringa India is one of the largest growers of Moringa Oleifera and maintains Moringa farms in scientific manner. With its extensive experiences in the field, enhanced technology, plant science & professional knowledge, effective consulting service and business intelligence, Moringa India has developed a set of tools/service to develop Moringa business from soil to superfood, from farming to fuel

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