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Robert David Steele, EIN CeO, Urges President Donald Trump to Champion Election Reform Act

Industry: Education

President Donald Trump, legitimately elected but now facing a four-part campaign to drive him from office, could easily use the Electoral Reform Act to seize the day.

Washington DC (PRUnderground) March 8th, 2017

Robert David Steele, Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network, has published a Memorandum for the President that has been read by one million citizens, some of whom have started a White House petition urging the President to meet with a diverse group to discuss an Electoral Reform Act, a Unity Act.

“Donald Trump has described himself as unshackled, and himself described our national political system as rigged,” Steele says. “Now, after having defeated a well-funded campaign to overturn the election results with allegations of Russian hacking aimed at subverting the Electoral College vote, our legitimately elected president faces a new four-part campaign intended to drive him from office.”

An Electoral Reform Act — a Unity Act — would be both disarming and engaging across all boundaries and demographics. It would disarm the millions of young people who were committed to Bernie Sanders, and it would begin the process of engaging the 47% of the eligible voters who chose not to vote.

For the President, it would be an enormously legitimizing initiative, beginning a healing process that would move his Administration from its current state — elected by 27% of the eligible voters — toward 100% feeling they are being given a chance to elect Members of Congress. Today all Members of Congress are elected by 30% of the eigible voters.

For the President, it would seize the narrative away from those seeking to de-legitimize the presidency, and focus the public on what really matters: restoring integrity to government and eliminating the undue influence of foreign powers and unelected individuals who subvert the public interest through illicit means.

A concise overview of the twelve ways in which the US electoral system is rigged — and how to fix it, is provided in the free online survey, RIGGED: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters.

“Progressives — and the many citizens who proclaim that Donald Trump is ‘not my president” — would do well to consider the possibility that the greatest threat to America today is the loss of our integrity in how we manage our own country,” Steele says. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend — if the Deep State is our common enemy, and an Electoral Reform Act will unite us all against that common enemy, what’s not to like?”

Robert David Steele recently discussed the challenge and the opportunity with Greg Hunter, former investigative journalist and now producer of USA Watchdog. The video, “Deep State Isolating Trump from We the People,” is breaking viewing records — the theme has struck a nerve with the public.

About Earth Intelligence Network

Earth Intelligence Network is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) educational corporation, headquartered in Virginia. The original purpose and long-term focus of Earth Intelligence Network is to teach citizens the urgency of demanding holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) as the foundation for enlightened self-governance. #UNRIGĀ© is an educational campaign to communicate to all citizens the possibility of an ethical, legal, non-violent restoration of integrity to the United States Government. For more information, visit and

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