Lauren Mayer Productions

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Political Musical Satirist Releasing CD – Comedy Songs For Crazy Times

Industry: Entertainment & Games

Satirical songwriter Lauren Mayer launches crowdfunding campaign for her new album, "Guess I Picked the Wrong Week To Quit Sniffing Glue."

San Mateo, California (PRUnderground) November 29th, 2016

Musical satirist launches Kickstarter:  Comedy Songs for Crazy Times

New album based on weekly topical songs from the news

Humorist Lauren Mayer has been writing & sharing original songs about the news every week for over four years.  She’s put together some of her greatest hits for her new album, “Guess I Picked The Wrong Week To Quit Sniffing Glue,” which will be released late December 2016.

Comments on Lauren’s weekly songs include:

“Your song made me laugh for the first time since the election . . . “

“Thank you for reminding me that as a liberal in a red state, I’m not alone!”

“Would you please drink some bleach so we never have to listen to another feminazi?”

A sudden onset of comments like that last one inspired one of the songs on the album, “Dear Internet Trolls.”  Other titles include “Just Another Middle-Aged Jewish Mother With A Crush On Steph Curry,” “When They Go Low, We Get High,” and “I’m Not Old, I’m Vintage.”

About Lauren Mayer    

Lauren is a political comedy satiric songwriter who posts weekly topical comedy songs, from the perspective of a liberal opinionated Jewish mother. Fans of her youTube channel (psychosupermom) rave about her intelligent humor, her catchy, heart-felt songs, and her witty, well-informed take on current events.

She has released several albums of award-winning educational music for kids and four other albums of comedy songs, including “Latkes, Shmatkes” (comedy songs for Chanukah) and “Psycho Super Mom” (songs about suburban motherhood and sleep deprivation).  In addition to being a summa cum laude graduate of Yale University, Lauren is a five-time recipient of the San Francisco Cabaret Gold Award and a Bay Area Critic’s Circle nominee, but her mother still doesn’t understand why she didn’t go to law school.

Lauren looks forward to continuing to help people laugh at the news, and she hopes that this album will make her an overnight success after 36 years.

Crowdfunders can back her campaign at:

About Lauren Mayer Productions

Press release for Kickstarter

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