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The Seashell’s Lament is an Impossible Love From The Wrong Side Of The Tracks!

Industry: Books

A fly-by-night, disturbingly attractive deck hand on a foreign ship loves and leaves. 8 years later, the ghost of love and hate returns to bite her unforgiving soul.

United States (PRUnderground) November 8th, 2016

On a rainsoaked, windswept, pre-Christmas night in St. John’s, Newfoundland,  prim and proper teacher Jacqueline O’Rielly is hit by a sudden, reckless urge to go bar-hopping.  What she finds in a dingy, harbourfont pub where a Baltic shipwrecked shrimp fisherman is sojourning, will forever alter the course of the rest of her life.  Hunky  Aleksandr Bovka Is married,  can hardly speak a word of English, and only in port long enough for his battered ship to be seaworthy again. What follows is a collision catalyst for tragic, impossible chemistry, as these two unlikely lovers find that one can’t live without the other.  Then, Jackie gets a Dear Jane  letter with no return address.  Eight bitter years pass, where one doesn’t know anything of the other. Until a work trip to Europe, where amazingly she is confronted by the cavalier sailor who broke her heart so long ago, and who is torched into the very depths of her unforgiving soul.  A searing saga of the elemental twists of fate, that leave even the most cynical believing in the power of eternal love.


“The most heart-wrenching read since The Bridges Of Madison County!”  —News and Observe Arts

“Wow! This fabulous book kept me awake suffering along with the characters. Loved the pace, the heartbreak, the passion! Wonderful, masterful writing.”  –Angela Otto, author, Custody Of The Eyes

“Brilliant, poignant, passionate! Ryan-Lush delivers!” —Book Blog Tours


Geraldine Ryan-Lush is a triple-award-winning author of numerous books, stories and poetry. Her work has been on the American Bookseller’s Pick Of The Lists, and reviewed in New York journals, Copley News Services,  Washington, DC. and the London Free Times, among many other prestigious review sources.  A former teacher (B.A.) Ed. and print columnist, she lives in St. John’s, NL, Canada.

Copies of The Seashell’s Lament are available at all major booksellers, including Black Rose Writing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.


Review copies available upon request


Contact: BRW PR Team, Black Rose Writing,

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