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New Free Think University Course Presents Opposing Views on Homosexuality

Industry: Education

Course addresses “gay identity” and “homosexual conduct” paradigms, including scientific evidence surrounding the debate

Washington D.C. (PRUnderground) April 19th, 2014

The debate about homosexuality is at a zenith in American culture, and public opinion is changing rapidly. It is often a difficult topic to converse about absent high emotion. This first-ever Free Think University course dealing with the core, paradigm-level issues in the debate present the opposing views on homosexuality in order to more objectively educate the free-thinking student who is trying to think beyond the sound bites and vitriol from both sides of the argument.

The course outlines the fundamental misunderstanding between all parties regarding the “gay identity” paradigm, “sexual orientation,” and the “homosexual conduct” paradigm. Peter Sprigg in Debating Homosexuality: Understanding Two Views, observes that “To deconstruct the ‘gay identity’ paradigm, and understand the alternative view which drives social conservatives, it is necessary to examine the actual nature of ‘sexual orientation.’  Too often, it is assumed that ‘sexual orientation’ is a unitary phenomenon whose meaning is clear.  This is not the case.”

The course experience includes a video segment by National Geographic about two male twins with the same genetic make up, but one is gay and one is not. The course unpacks what implication this has on the “nature vs. nurture” debate relating to homosexuality.

The course also discusses the physical harms associated with homosexual conduct, which include higher rates of sexually transmitted disease and mental health disorders for those engaging in homosexual activity.

Religious views on homosexuality are also featured, including a CBN news piece on Craig James, who was fired from Fox Sports network for voicing his religious views about heterosexual marriage.

“No matter your view about homosexuality, people should be made aware of the grounds for the vigorous debate that is impacting state and national legislation as well as families and friendships everywhere based on differing views about the origin, nature, and consequences of homosexuality,” notes Free Think University co-founder Jim Van Eerden. “We hope this course experience appeals to all people of goodwill – regardless of their politics, religion, or sexual orientation – by articulating the root issues in the disagreement so that more civil dialogue and greater mutual respect between people can be fostered.”

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Free Think University is where more than 30,000 free­thinking students have joined what Mortimer Adler called “The Great Conversation” – the dialogue of the ages about The Big Questions of our day, and where they participate in one of the fastest­growing independent scholarship funds in America. Submit questions for future courses to For more information go to or follow @freethinku.

About Family Research Council

Family Research Council (FRC) is an American conservative Christian group and lobbying organization formed in the United States in 1981 by James Dobson. Family Research Council’s vision is a culture in which human life is valued, families flourish and religious liberty thrives. Their mission is to advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview. The FRC promotes what it considers to be traditional family values, by advocating and lobbying for socially conservative policies. For more information go to or follow @FRCdc.

About Free Think University

Free Think University is where more than 30,000 free-thinking students have joined what Mortimer Adler called “The Great Conversation” – the dialogue of the ages about The Big Questions of our day, and where they participate in one of the fastest-growing independent scholarship funds in America. Submit questions for future courses to For more information go to or follow @freethinku.

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