Your Best Body Today Explains Fat Freezing, How It Works, Results and Improvements in Technology
Industry: Health & Fitness
Cryo-Lipo (Fat Freezing) technologies not only work but there have been noticeable improvements in this new field through Contrast Contouring.
Houston, TX (PRUnderground) May 29th, 2019
What is fat freezing? Let’s get into the facts.
Fat freezing, or cryogenic lipolysis, is exactly like what it sounds – fat cells are frozen for a period of time in the aim to reduce them, and it’s a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. It originated after research was done into frostbite, and it was noted that fat cells would freeze before skin freezes. As it’s a procedure that targets the stomach, pectorals, thighs, or arms, so that the patient can choose their problem areas. Patients are required to sit for an hour while cooling and heating paddles suction the skin and crystallize the fat cells.
Does it work?
If done safely by a professional, fat freezing can indeed help you lose fat. However, as with many cosmetic treatments, results can vary from person to person, and it may take 8-12 weeks to notice. Contrast Contouring guru Michael Arnim told Fox: “You get a 20% fat reduction which decreases the fat of any particular area and tightens the skin and then forcing the body to add collagen. The results are permanent but the more fat there is, the more treatments a client will need. On average, our clients see us 3 to 6 times a year but the newest technology has made this process affordable now.”
Does it help you lose weight?
Fat doesn’t weigh as much as muscle, so fat freezing won’t make you lose heaps of weight. Although it doesn’t add up on the scale, Arnim says: “When you get rid of what’s bulging over the top of your pants or your bra, that’s what counts.” A healthy diet and exercise is always recommend.
Who is it for?
Above all, cryolipolysis is “for someone who is looking for moderate improvements,” explaining that it’s not designed for major fat removal like liposuction. When clients come in for a consultation, we consider their age and skin quality. Some other thing we consider before treatment is will it look good after the fat is removed, how pinchable their skin is and how to contour the skin so it looks smooth. If someone has thick, firm skin, the results will be more difficult to achieve and cause more bruising in the process.
What are the results?
“It often takes three to six treatments to get to your optimum results”, says Arnim, who admits that a single treatment will yield a average results but over time, it decreases the number of fat cells and tightens the skin. However, the more treatments you have, the more results you will see. What will happen each session is up to a 20% fat reduction in a treatment area. “Our clients lose size. It’s a fact. But people need to realize though that there’s no magical pixie dust. It took years to put on the extra fat. It’ll take a bit of work to get it off But you can get it off!”.
Clinical studies have shown the method is effective at reducing fat in spots that are resistant to diet and exercise. A review of clinical studies published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal concluded that cryolipolysis appears to reliably decrease fatty deposits on the body with few complications. The review included short-term studies that evaluated the procedure. A long-term case study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology demonstrated that at two and five years patients showed lasting fat loss results despite natural fluctuations in overall weight.
While cryolipolysis can be effective for permanently reducing some fat in certain targeted areas, your results will not be as dramatic as fat loss from a surgical procedure such as liposuction. However, it is not an invasive procedure that can cause deep vein thrombosis, organ perforation, bleeding, secondary infections or long downtimes. To determine if Contrast Contouring is right for you, consult with one of their technicians.
“Disclaimer: The news site hosting this press release is not associated with Your Best Body Today or Fat Freezing treatments. It is merely publishing a press release announcement submitted by a company, without any stated or implied endorsement of the product or service.