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"The Tiger In The Yard’s" Author Barbara Weber Survives Childhood Abuse Triggering Life-Long PTSD

Industry: Books

“The Tiger in the Yard” is a powerfully intimate story about the experience of living with the nightmares, depression, and triggers of life-long complex PTSD.

Spokane, WA (PRUnderground) December 20th, 2018

The Tiger in the Yard (PTSD and my journey as an abuse survivor) is a powerfully intimate story about the experience of living with life-long complex PTSD resulting from early childhood abuse. The nightmares, triggers, and depression of PTSD made it difficult as Barbara struggled to maintain responsibilities including raising children, teaching and completing a Ph.D. After years of angst, her physician told her that her nightmares were not normal. Thinking that PTSD was only found in Veterans, she was surprised at the diagnosis. After harming herself during episodes at night, she sought help. With therapy, the nightmares and sleepwalking stopped, and she found closure to the childhood trauma. Written with raw emotion and inspirational precision, this powerful page-turner offers hope for anyone who is suffering from PTSD or loves someone who does.

Dr. Barbara Weber obtained her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Southern California. She has been a lifelong educator teaching elementary school, gifted pull-out, teacher continuing education, community college, and an online university. Her varied experience includes mentoring many Ph.D. candidates through the dissertation process, participating in native seminars in Toksook and Akiachak, AK, demonstrating lessons for state representatives and starring in instructional videos for educators.

Copies of The Tiger in the Yard are available at all major booksellers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Black Rose Writing

Print and Electronic review copies available upon request

Contact: Christopher Miller / Social Media & Marketing Expert, Black Rose Writing

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