50 Affordable Cities in America for Muslims
The cities that made this list had to meet a rigorous qualification test to be deemed friendly for Muslims:
The city must have at least 20 halal or partially halal restaurants.
The city must have at least eight mosques in its 25-mile radius.
The city have at least one full-time Islamic school available as an option.
A price point below $400K for families to comfortably pay for in this new remote era.
So here it is—your opportunity to find and move to a Muslim-friendly city.
About Omar Ghani
Omar Ghani is a Business Professional spending many years of his career focusing on cost saving measurements. On the side he is a Business Advisor to startup communities and local business service companies. Omar also has a deep appreciation for the U.S. Real Estate market and cultural mix up of Real Estate cities. This is his first official e-book that focuses on Affordable Cities in the United States focused on the needs of the American Muslim population.