Omar Ghani

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50 Affordable Cities in America for Muslims by Omar Ghani

Industry: Real Estate

This is a list of cities for Muslims to consider in the remote work era. This list includes stats of the cities mosques, halal restaurants, home price ranges, and more.

San Francisco, California (PRUnderground) December 1st, 2021

50 Affordable Cities in America for Muslims

The cities that made this list had to meet a rigorous qualification test to be deemed friendly for Muslims:

  • The city must have at least 20 halal or partially halal restaurants. 

  • The city must have at least eight mosques in its 25-mile radius. 

  • The city have at least one full-time Islamic school available as an option. 

  • A price point below $400K for families to comfortably pay for in this new remote era. 

So here it is—your opportunity to find and move to a Muslim-friendly city.

About Omar Ghani

Omar Ghani is a Business Professional spending many years of his career focusing on cost saving measurements. On the side he is a Business Advisor to startup communities and local business service companies. Omar also has a deep appreciation for the U.S. Real Estate market and cultural mix up of Real Estate cities. This is his first official e-book that focuses on Affordable Cities in the United States focused on the needs of the American Muslim population.

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