5 Ways To Protect Kids From Cyber Bullying

Industry: Family & pets

TrueCare LLC, a leading provider of a social media monitoring service, offers parents tips for keeping kids safe online including protecting them from cyber bullying.

Illinois (PRUnderground) March 5th, 2012

TrueCare LLC, a leading provider of a social media monitoring service, offers parents essential information and tools for keeping kids safe online. The service enables parents to screen their child’s online social networking activity on websites like Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and Twitter. Online dangers are a growing concern for parents. TrueCare is a proven, valuable tool because it allows for active monitoring and intervention. One of the major concerns is cyber bullying and how to prevent or stop it.

TrueCare advisor and national family safety expert, Alison Rhodes, The Safety Mom, said, “Bullying, specifically cyber bullying, is an issue that’s growing at epidemic proportions. Kids have the opportunity and vehicles to say what they want to say, without looking that person in the face to see how their words have hurt the other person. Fortunately, TrueCare helps parents find postings that could be signs of trouble.”

By monitoring social media sites on a regular basis, parents can learn more about how their kids interact online, as well as take steps to protect them. “If we can help parents increase their awareness of what their child is doing on the Internet, then they can do their part to intervene and steer their child in the right direction to keep them safe,” said Carol Voellinger, SVP of Marketing for TrueCare.

To keep internet safety top of mind and increase awareness about cyber bullying, TrueCare offers five tips for protecting kids:

1. Talk to Kids
Parents should know what’s going on in the online world of their child. Have an open line of communication that is non-judgmental and encourage your kids to talk freely about their online lives. Encourage children to tell someone if they see or experience cyber bullying or disturbing messages related to depression, death, or suicide. Daily conversations with children should also include talking about their feelings, so parents can identify warning signs, such as suppressed rage, anger, or hatred.

2. Keep the Computer in a Common Area
The casual use of laptops, smart phones, and tablets has allowed parents to overlook basic rules of using the Internet. When possible, parents should ask their child to use computers and technology devices in a common living area where parents can monitor websites, smart phones, and the amount of time spent online.

3. Teach and Enforce Online Manners
Parents should set the expectations for appropriate behavior for their child’s digital world. Help children to learn respectful and responsible posting, texting, and emailing. Remind children that typed communications are not the same as verbal communications, because anything typed or texted can easily be forwarded along for the world to see.

4. Learn More about the Warning Signs of Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is a real threat to children, and as statistics reveal, it can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and even suicide. If parents are aware of warning signs, then they can step in to help their kids before deeper problems arise. TrueCare advisor, Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini, pinpoints these warning signs that a child may be a victim of cyber bullying:

– Keeping the computer “too close to them” and are secretive with their computer
– Showing apathetic behaviors, acting like they don’t care or they are hurting
– Complaining about not having friends
– Afraid to go to school, walk to and from school, ride the bus, or take part in organized activities
– No interest in school, or grades begin to slide
– Moods are weepy, sad, moody, or depressed when they come home from school
– Complaining frequently of headaches, stomach aches, or other physical ailments
– Experiencing a loss of appetite or gaining weight
– Appearing anxious and/or suffering from low self-esteem

5. Monitor Kids Online
Monitoring takes time and attention, and parents can’t be on a 24/7 watch. A social network monitoring service helps parents keep track of online activity. It can alert parents with emails when certain behaviors, keywords, or other activities are detected in the child’s social media activity. Then, parents are informed, and ready to intervene as soon as suspicious activity arises.

About TrueCare

TrueCare offers easy-to-use, cost-effective tools to help parents protect and educate their children on the dangers frequently associated with social media. This internet-based, customizable service provides 24/7 monitoring with automatic email alerts when harmful or inappropriate communications are detected involving their children.

For more information, contact TrueCare at 1-877-368-6390 or visit us online at www.truecare.com.

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