4th Global Moringa Meet slated on 29-30 April 2016 in India

Industry: Health & Fitness

4TH GLOBAL MORINGA MEET 2016: 2 day’s international workshop on Moringa production & application shall be held on April 29 & 30, 2016, at Jaipur, India

Jaipur, India (PRUnderground) December 7th, 2015

The Advanced Biofuel Center is delighted to announce the (ABC) 2-Day Moringa State of Art International Training viz. Global Moringa Meet – 2016 to be held on 29- 30 April 2016 in Jaipur, India. India meets more than 80% demand of Moringa Products and thereby enjoys a dominant position in the global Moringa market. The market, estimated to be worth over US$ 4 billion, is highly dependent on India. ABC in its attempt to bring the Moringa fraternity together is organizing this 4th International workshop to deliberate and focus on the growing and harvesting of Moringa. This workshop will also provide a unique opportunity for open discussions & exchange of views about the issues pertaining to Moringa business.

The Overview

Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC)’s 4th Global Moringa Meet focuses on the entire Moringa production from Ground zero to scale. Topics are carefully selected to cover the agronomy, horticulture, biology, engineering, marketing and financial aspects of Moringa commercialization. ABC is recognized as an important platform for productive exchanges among the academic, commercial and investment communities. Join us at this unique knowledge platform to share the latest information on advances in Moringa research & development, production systems, commercial track of Moringa and more. This shall address biofuels-related topic within four thematic areas: environment and human well-being, economics, technology, and geography.

The Global Moringa Meet 2016 is the 4th critical workshop to be held in India aimed at helping Moringa farmers and project developers around the world to understand the Moringa crop and add value to their Moringa business. The workshop will focus on the practical considerations of cultivation, management and business potential of Moringa from the perspective of Moringa producer, processer, practioner and Moringa business developer. The earlier Moringa workshops have enjoyed tremendous success and have positioned Moringa as one of the most viable sources of food and fuel.

The 4th Global Moringa Meet will be led by world class Moringa Expert and scientists, who have extensive practical experience in the development of Moringa. Course Leaders will discuss 9 essential practices that will enhance existing Moringa cropping systems, and take the Moringa Olefeira crop to an ideal model for industrial cultivation.

These Key Practices Include:

  • Selections of Elites of Moringa for higher productivity per acre
  • Proper techniques for nurturing saplings in Nursery
  • Healthy Practices to Reduce Incidence of Diseases
  • Maximising Returns by effective implementation of Intercropping
  • Minimizing the use of Fertilizers & Irrigation
  • Best Practices in Silviculture to increase productivity and ease harvest
  • Cutting back on Losses during Seed Harvest, Storage & Oil Extraction
  • Value Addition to Moringa Projects with use of by products.
  • Proper Moringa leaf growing, harvesting and processing techniques

Interactive Sessions on

  1. Moringa Biodiversity to design crops Potential species, selection methods, Gremplasm, Genomic, Genetic Improvement & Propagation
  2. Moringa Production systems Biology & Physiology, Soil Management, Agronomy, Horticulture- Orchard Design & Management, Harvesting, drying, extraction
  3. Moringa Processing Leave, Powder, oil & Biodiesel
  4. Moringa in Agriculture Plant protection, animal health, soil conditioning
  5. Moringa in Food Supplement Health food additives
  6. Moringa in Medical Health-promoting Properties
  7. Moringa in cosmetics Beauty promoting properties
  8. Moringa Biodiesel Oil technology & Quality, Economy & Marketing,

Who should attend

The Forming and Managing Supply Chains in Agribusiness learning package helps managers to learn what is required to “hand craft” their own supply chain as a way of improving their Moringa crop enterprise’s chances of success. The package would be of interest to anyone in the Moringa crop development process, but is specially targeted at those who are close to the full commercialization stage.

The 3rd Global Moringa Meet is a must for:

  • Research Institutes
  • Moringa Plantation developers
  • Moringa producers + providers to the industry
  • Waste water managers
  • End-users & intermediary processors
  • Consultants
  • Investors
  • Energy professionals
  • Government officials


  • Agriculture Projects
  • Food & feed
  • Moringa oil
  • Pharma
  • (Aviation) Biofuels
  • Water management
  • Nutriceuticals
  • Equipment, technology & infrastructure

The 4th Global Moringa Meet India is the most authoritative Moringa Programme and the ONLY event that you need to attend to keep abreast of the development in international Moringa sector. Now is a good time to confirm your participation at 4th Moringa Meet India and avoid disappointment as seats at the Programme sell out fast!

Seize this opportunity to begin business with Moringa and REGISTERToday

Please Pre-register here for further details and obtaining registration form.


Moinga India is making huge efforts, experiments, research to harness the harnessing the “superfood” powers of Moringa oleifera, a drought-resistant tree native to North India and widely used throughout the topics for in solving this global problem.
Moringa shows great promise as a tool to help overcome some of the most severe problems in the developing world—malnutrition, deforestation, impure water and poverty. The tree does best in the dry regions where these problems are worst. Green leafy vegetables and fruits supply much needed essential micro-nutrients like beta-carotene [vitamin A], vitamin C, folic acid, and also calcium and potassium. Moringa leaves in particular are a rich, inexpensive source of micro-nutrients. Although few people have ever heard of it today, Mission Moringa India is to establish the Moringa to become one of the world’s most valuable plants, at least in humanitarian terms
Moringa India has been formed to identify the factors limiting the adoption and use of the Moringa Tree for Agricultural Development for Producing Biodiesel and to explore the important role Moringa play in the lives of rural people and the global economy deliberating advancement of existing and future agricultural development projects. It’s experience, expertise, and views about Moringa and its use for agriculture development for the purposes of reducing hunger and poverty and formulate strategies for developing moringa failsafe farms and also helps new growers to have holistic information on moringa crop with academic research activities in Agronomy, Horticulture, and Biology, industrial practices in biofuels , Marketing and Financial aspects of Moringa commercialization. It will be a great pleasure to share the up-to-date advances in both fundamental researches and engineering practices, and to project the areas where we may contribute to to harness the full potential of moringa for betterment of people and planet
Moringa India is one of the largest growers of Moringa Oleifera and maintains Moringa farms in scientific manner. With its extensive experiences in the field, enhanced technology, plant science & professional knowledge, effective consulting service and business intelligence, Moringa India has developed a set of tools/service to develop Moringa business from soil to superfood, from farming to fuel

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