24By7Security today announced that it has been named Most Innovative Company of the Year, winning Gold for the first time in the annual global Business & Innovation Awards. Sanjay Deo, Founder and President of 24By7Security, Inc., credits the win to his company having its most innovative year to date.
“Since our inception in 2013, we’ve grown our firm steadily,” said Deo. “However, in the past year we’ve made significant service advances and innovations on many fronts. It’s very satisfying to have our progress recognized with this Gold Award for Innovation.”
Deo serves as Technology Sector Chief for the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s national InfraGard program, South Florida Chapter, and is a well-respected expert in cybersecurity, network security and information security in the region’s healthcare and information technology communities. Under his direction, 24By7Security has conducted more than 500 Security and Privacy Risk Assessments since its inception.
In the past 12 months, his company launched four new Readiness Services to help businesses effectively address new and modified legislation, as well as a trail-blazing framework for cybersecurity incident response planning, user training and testing, and plan implementation.
The firm also developed CISO Councils in South Florida, Orlando and Tampa, and launched an innovative HIPAA Happenings series to promote convenient information sharing among Chief Information Security Officers and healthcare professionals respectively.
In another innovation, 24By7Security launched a Next-Generation Education initiative in which the firm works with several universities in South Florida to raise awareness of cybersecurity and social media use risks among high school and college students.
Earlier this year, 24By7Security won the Gold Award for Service Excellence in HIPAA Compliance Consulting, an awards program sponsored by the Information Security Products Guide.
About 24By7Security, Inc.
24By7Security provides a robust menu of Cybersecurity and Compliance services, contemplating security and privacy needs in a variety of industries, including those which are heavily regulated such as Healthcare, Financial Services, Education and others. 24By7Security leverages relevant industry standards such as NIST Cybersecurity Framework, ISO 27001, NIST 800-53. To learn more, visit www.24By7Security.com.