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2016 is the Year of the English Garden – Soughton Hall Hotel

Industry: Travel & Leisure

To celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of Lancelot Brown, more commonly known as Capability Brown. Visit England declared 2016 the ‘Year of the English Garden’.

Cheshire, Manchester, North Wales, United Kingdom (PRUnderground) September 19th, 2016

To celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of Lancelot Brown, more commonly known as Capability Brown. Visit England declared 2016 the ‘Year of the English Garden’.

Perhaps the most famous landscape gardener in history, Capability (so named for his overuse of the word when explaining to clients how their estates had great ‘capability’ for improving the landscape). His work on a variety of famous stately homes including Burghley House and Chatsworth, can still be seen today.

Cheshire, one of the most beautiful counties in England, is home to some of the most beautiful stately homes in the United Kingdom. Soughton Hall Hotel being one such place, situated close to the border of Cheshire, Soughton Hall is a unique luxury boutique hotel. Cheshire and its stunning countryside is a beautiful backdrop for those looking for a stunning wedding venue in Cheshire. Soughton Hall and its beautiful grounds is such a location, whatever the season.

Whether it’s a Spring wedding you’re looking for with snowdrops and the first burst of colour in the garden it brings, to an Autumnal celebration with the seasons gorgeous colours. Soughton Hall caters for every bodies taste and requirements. The stunning landscaped gardens provide a beautiful background for your wedding day photography.

Although the Summer is almost over there are still plenty of reasons to visit these stately homes and their gardens. The Autumn brings with it a whole new kind of beauty and with many stately homes now open to the public you can also view these historic buildings and their amazing interiors.

For further information regarding Capability Browns work across Britain and where you can see it you can visit the dedicated website here. If you’re looking for a beautiful wedding venue in Cheshire and would like to speak to a dedicated member of staff at Soughton hall, contact them on 01352 840811 or visit their website at www.soughtonhallhotel.co.uk

About Elle R Leisure Ltd

Elle R Leisure are the company behind Dukes 92 in Castlefield and the Albert’s restaurants. The group also owns Soughton Hall Hotel.

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