
1950’s Teenager Who Welcomes Nostalgia, What Teen Didn’t? Take a History Trip with My Lonely Room

You can take that trip back to the 1950s through the eyes of a pre-teen boy, Jimmy Yadenik, who struggles into his teen years hindered by naivety, fostered by the lack of guidance and self-confidence. His peers comprise a group instilled with bulling, intolerance and indifference. He would grow up to be like his parents, accepting their unassuming and stolid lot in life–until he meets a friend who would become his mentor, teach him how to gain his independence of thought and help him battle those internal struggles of doubt and degradation.

Jimmy finally bolsters himself with a dose of self-assurance, both from a puppy-love affair and his street-smart education, but finds he now has to convince his mentor’s club to accept him. This problem threatens to shatter his newfound sureness in himself. He is reject by only a few—but an important few—club officers and he will have to depend on his mentor to make things right or provide his own solution.

My Lonely Room is John A. Vikara’s prequel to The Vandals, and the chronological beginning to the five book ‘Vandal’ series.

Copies of My Lonely Room are available at all major booksellers, including Black Rose Writing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble

Review copies available upon request


Contact: Taylor Williams / Book Publicist, Black Rose Writing

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